When creating a kit, you select how pricing is calculated for the kit. The Source of Price field in Product Kit Settings includes the option to create a "component-priced kit". The following rules apply when Component is selected at the Source of Price field in Product Kit Settings:
In Product Kit Settings you specify a total selling price for the kit in the Selling Price field. This is used as a proof amount for the assignment of the selling price of each component listed in the kit.
The Default Kit Selling Price field (if specified) on the Pricing tab of Advanced Product Settings is used as the Default Kit Price $ for the component in Product Kit Settings. If that field is blank, the Selling Price specified in Advanced Product Settings is used as the default.
In Product Kit Settings, you can override the default price for each component by entering another price in the This Kit $ field for each component product in the kit.
All components in the kit must have a This Kit Price $ amount assigned. Zero or higher is acceptable.
The assigned component prices are used for the current kit only.
When a kit is added to a sales transaction, the price currently assigned to each component in the kit is used as the selling price for soft kit components and for all margin calculations for both hard and soft kit components.
Changes to the component prices in the Product Kit Settings process only affects subsequent additions of kits to sales transactions. Existing transactions are unaffected.
Kits that have a Source of Price of Component cannot include other kit masters.
If you change the Default Kit Selling Price of the component product in Advanced Product Settings, you are prompted with the option to automatically update the This Kit Price $ of all hard and soft “Component-Priced” kits where the This Kit Price $ for that component matches the previous price. If you answer Yes to the prompt, the component product price and total kit price are updated in Product Kit Settings.
If you remove a component from the order after the soft kit has been expanded, the "SOFT KIT - Apply Pricing Hierarchy to kit components in a sale when the kit is changed" field in Point of Sale Control Settings determines how the prices of the remaining components are to be adjusted. Depending on how this field is set, the system either retains the prices established in the kit or reverts to their standard selling prices.
For component priced soft kits, you can specify a promotion code or a promotion date range and associated promotional price for any of the components in the kit. Promotional pricing takes priority over component kit prices, provided the order date is within the date range specified (if any) for the promotion.
With component priced soft kits, you can assign a substitution list for any of the components. Substitution list functionality is available only when the Adjust Soft Kit in Order Entry field on the Inventory tab of your Point of Sale Control Settings is checked. See the Substitution List field in Product Kit Settings for more detail.
Line item discounts can be applied at the kit master level for component priced Hard kits, but not for component priced Soft kits.
Markdown Pricing is available for component priced Hard kits, but not for component priced Soft kits.