Price Adjustment Settings
(Product Adjustment)
Support Files: Category,
Group, Vendor
General, Adjustments, Products,
Use this routine to mass-update selected products.
For example, you can apply a sale or promotion price to one or more
products. You can specify
multiple lists of products
to adjust,
a period of time in which
to apply the adjustment, and
a future date on which to
begin applying the adjustment.
You can apply product adjustments to
Products with a Markdown status are not included in the price adjustment
process because a specific markdown price has already been established
for the product. This ensures that special pricing for markdowns
are not overwritten.
To load adjustments, access the Actions button on the Products
tab and click on Load Adjustments.
You can also use the Date to Load field to load adjustments on a future
date. Note that if you use either option, a confirmation box appears
via which you must confirm you want to load adjustments.
To print floor tags based on a product adjustments list you create here,
use the Product Adjustment field in the Print
an Inventory Floor Tag routine.
Header Area
For each tab in this routine, the following information appears at the
top of the screen:
Adjustment CodeEnter
a code to identify this product adjustment. You can enter a maximum of
10 alphanumeric characters.
Click the Search button to access a list of existing adjustment codes,
both loaded and un-loaded. If you select a code from the list and the
adjustment has already been loaded, you access the read-only
version of this screen.
TypeThe type of adjustment displays,
as defined at the Type field below.
Adjustments Loaded The date
on which the selected products were loaded with the current pricing adjustment
Tags Printed The last
date on which tags were printed for this adjustment displays.
Use the fields on this tab to specify general
information on the product adjustment including the products you want
to adjust and the date range in which to apply the adjustments. You also
use this screen to apply district pricing.
You can use several of these fields, for
example Vendor and Group, to specify multiple products for product adjustment.
If you specify products in this way but do not specify individual
products via the Products tab, then when you click on Load
Adjustments a warning message appears with the option to abort the
load and specify a different set of products or continue and load adjustments
for all selected products.
DescriptionEnter the description for
this product adjustment. You can enter a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters.
VendorUse this field to specify one or more vendors
whose products you want to include in this product adjustment. Otherwise,
leave the field blank.
If you click on the Search button, you access the Vendor
Cross Reference window, from which you can make a selection. If you
click on the Action button, you access
the Multiple
Vendor Selection window.
GroupUse this field to specify one or more product
groups whose products you want to include in this product adjustment.
Otherwise, leave the field blank.
If you click on the Search button, you access the Multiple
Selection Lookup Window, from which you can select one or more groups.
If you click on the Action button, you access the Multiple
Product Group Selection window.
CategoryUse this field to specify
one or more product categories whose products you want to include in this
product adjustment. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
If you click on the Search button, you access the Multiple
Selection Lookup Window, from which you can select one or more categories.
If you click on the Action button, you access the Multiple
Category Selection window.
CollectionUse this
field to specify one or more product collections whose products you want
to include in this product adjustment. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
If you click on the Search button, you access the Multiple
Selection Lookup Window, from which you can select one or more collections.
If you click on the Action button, you access the Multiple
Product Collection Selection window.
Include Products with Inactive Purchase StatusTo include
inactive (obsolete) products check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Inactive products are those with a purchase status of D = dropped, T =
discontinued, or P = purge, as defined on the Settings tab of product
Include Zero QuantityTo include
products with zero quantity-on-hand and zero quantity-on-PO, check the
box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Zero quantity refers to both quantity-on-hand
and net PO quantity.
Discountable OnlyTo include products flagged
as discountable in the Product file, check the box. Otherwise, leave the
box blank.
This field is active only for Adjustment type
PP - Promotional price.
Product Type
Change District PriceThis field is active for
Adjustment types PP (promotional
price) and SP (selling price)
only. To activate the District field, check the box. Otherwise, leave
the box blank.
Date to Load
Starting DateThis field is active only
if you specify PP (promotional price) at the Type field. Enter the starting
date of the range in which you want to apply promotional pricing to the
selected products. The date must be greater than or equal to the current
Ending DateThis field is active only
if you specify PP (promotional price) at the Type field. Enter the ending
date of the range in which you want to apply promotional pricing to the
selected products. The date must fall after the starting date.
Commission PercentThis field is active only
if you specify PP (promotional price) at the Type field. Enter the percent
of commission to be calculated if no individual Price/Spiff/Commission
table exists for the product. The system updates the Promotional Pricing
fields in the Product and Product Subsidiary Regional files.
Spiff AmountThis field is active only
if you specify PP (promotional price) at the Type field. Enter the Spiff
amount to be used if no individual Price/Spiff/Commission table exists
for the product. The system updates the Promotional Pricing fields in
the Product and Product Subsidiary Regional files.

After you use the General tab to specify the products you want to adjust,
use this tab to specify the adjustment you want to apply to the selected
products. For the products whose prices you adjust here, the system updates
the following fields on the Pricing tab of the Product file record:
Starting Date
Ending Date
Selling Price
TypeTo identify the number in
the Discount Factor field as a dollar amount, select Dollars.
To identify the number in the Discount Factor field as a percentage, select
Percent. For example, if you select
Percent at the Type field and
enter 15.00 in the Percentage
field, the system discounts the regular selling price by 15 percent.
Percentage/AmountThe name
and function of this field is determined by the response in the Type field.
The default response is zero.
If you specify Percent at the Type
field, the system names this field "Percentage" and you use
it to specify the percentage amount by which you want to adjust the product
price. If you specify Dollar at
the Type field, the system names this field "Amount" and you
use it to specify the dollar amount by which you want to adjust the product
DirectionUse this field to specify
whether to add (Increase) or subtract (Decrease) your adjustment from
the Basis. The default is Increase.
following three fields are rounding options that apply when calculating:
-price adjustments,
-the new price of a product when the Code field on the Pricing page is
changed in Advanced
Product Settings,
-the new price of a product when the Promotion Code field on the District
Settings tab is changed in District
and Regional Product Settings.
These rounding options do not apply to Import
External Data or RetailDeck Control
Rounding Method
Round To
End In
For information on loading adjustments,
view the topic on Price Adjustments
- Actions.
After you use the Adjustments tab to specify the adjustments you want
to make to product prices, use this tab to load into the grid the products
whose prices you want to adjust. To mass-update multiple products at once
(for example, products from a vendor), use the General tab to specify
the products, then click on the Actions button at the bottom of this tab
and select Load Products from the menu that appears. To add individual
products to the grid, use the Product field described below.
A counter next to the Product field indicates a product
list is currently active. The counter indicates which record in the
list is currently being edited and the total number of records in the
Pricing for soft
kit masters cannot be adjusted using this process. Promotional
pricing is not permitted with products designated as soft kit
ProductEnter the code of the product
you want to change. If you click on the Search button, the Search
for a Product window appears from which you can select products and/or
create a list of products to change. You can also select a product
by entering the vendor model number in the Product field or double-clicking
on it in the grid.
BasisThe amount on which the calculation is based
CurrentThe current price or cost
appears. Note that if no promotion is currently active, this field is
Adjusted The adjusted price or cost
appears. If you specify an existing product, the adjusted price or cost
appears from the grid. If you are adding a new product not yet selected,
the system calculates and displays the adjusted price or cost. You can
override the calculated adjusted price or cost manually. The amount
you enter must be greater than zero.

Use the Actions button on this tab to import or export product adjustment
data to or from Excel®.
Note that once you complete a price adjustment, the options on the
Actions button become inactive and you can no longer export or import
the price adjustment record. However, you can clone the record and
create a new one via the Clone option at the Actions button on the General
PathThe standard PC path for all STORIS exports appears.
You cannot edit this field.
File NameEnter the name of the file
you want to import or export. STORIS provides a default filename to use
if you want to.