Price Adjustments - Actions

This topic describes the options available via the Actions button at the bottom of each tab in the Price Adjustments Settings routine.

Actions - General

Load Adjustments - To immediately load the price and cost adjustments currently specified, select this option. The system

After you load adjustments for an adjustment code, you can no longer edit the adjustment code. However, you can clone the adjustment code and use it again under a different name. See below under Clone Info for new Price Adjustment.

 This action is not available if ...

    - the Date to Load field contains a response. If the Date to Load field contains a date, the system loads the product adjustments during the Day-Ending process on the specified date.

    - the Percentage / Amount field on the Adjustments tab does not contain a value greater than 0.00.

Clone Info for new Price Adjustment - To create a duplicate of this adjustment record, select this option. The system prompts you to enter an Adjustment Code for the cloned record.

This process is valid for existing records only, regardless of whether they have been loaded.  Like the Product Clone process, the system prompts you for a new record key.

 The system enters Inquiry mode when a loaded price adjustment is specified in Maintenance mode. This extra action will be available in such a situation.  When you clone a loaded price adjustment, the system clears all information relating to its loading, tag printing and active dates.

Actions - Products

Load Products - To populate the grid on the Products tab with the products (if any) specified on the General tab, click on the Actions button on the Product tab and select Load Products from the menu that appears. This process removes any existing products from the grid and replaces them with the products selected on the General tab. The system applies any product adjustments specified on the Adjustments tab.

This process does not load the current product adjustments. While the products are in the grid, you can experiment with adjustment formulas. You can also add or remove products to or from the grid.

If the Date to Load field on the General tab is populated, this Load Products option is unavailable. To use this option, select it and allow products to load. Prior to clicking Save, go back to the General tab and enter the Date to Load. Once the Date to Load is entered, the price adjustment is complete.

Actions - Import/Export

Export to Excel® – Use this option to export the contents of the grid on the Products tab, in Excel format, to the file name specified above. The system exports all five columns from the grid on the Products tab, as well as the following informational columns:

 If an Excel file already exists, a warning message appears, but you can proceed.

Import from Excel® – Once you have exported the data and edited the spreadsheet, you can use this option to import the Excel file (specified at File Name field) back into STORIS. Although the Excel spreadsheet can include all eleven columns, the program uses only Columns 1 (Product code) and 5 (Adjusted price/cost) for the update.  Thus, only these two columns are required.  The program

 If you select either option on the Action button, the system gives you the opportunity to cancel the Export/Import.
Any error in the process causes the import to fail.  

The Excel spreadsheet must be in CSV format.  That is, the data imported from the PC must be encapsulated in quotes and comma-separated.