RetailDeck Control Settings
Use this routine to specify your preferences for the RetailDeck Interface, via which you can import RetailDeck information into STORIS. If you do not use RetailDeck, you can ignore this file.
To activate the RetailDeck Interface in STORIS, enter a response at the Import Lineup Every x Hours below and ensure RetailDeck exists on your workstation. Once the interface is active on your workstation, you can import RetailDeck data if you have access via the Import Products from Retail Deck field in the Extended Security (Sales).
Import Lineup Every x HoursSpecify the interval in hours at which to update RetailDeck from the client to the RetailDeck file on the server. For example, if you set this filed to 24, then the next time you access RetailDeck, if the deck hasn’t been refreshed for 24 hours, an automatic update occurs.
If you enter a response at this prompt and RetailDeck exists on the client workstation, you activate the RetailDeck interface. If you leave this field blank, you inactivate the RetailDeck interface and all the other fields on this screen.
Timeout Extraction After x SecondsEnter the number of seconds before time-out. That is, when extracting data from RetailDeck, if the seconds you specify here elapse before the process completes, the process times out.
Last Import Occurred atThe date and time when the RetailDeck file was last imported displays.

Product Vendor isSpecify the vendor to assign to all products you import from RetailDeck. If you click on the Search button, a list of vendors appears from which you can choose.
Default Product Brand isFor products you import from RetailDeck, specify the default product brand. If RetailDeck's brand does not exist in any brands in STORIS (specified at the RetailDeck Manufacturer field in the Brand Settings), the system assigns the brand you specify here. If you click on the Search button, a list of brands appears from which you can choose.
Default Product Group isFor products you import from RetailDeck, specify the default product group. If RetailDeck's "minor code" does not exist in any groups in STORIS (specified at the RetailDeck Minor field in the Brand Settings), the system assigns the group you specify here. If you click on the Search button, a list of groups appears from which you can choose.
Default WMS Group is
Selling Price Markup isSpecify the percentage of the RetailDeck product cost by which to mark up the selling price of each product you import from RetailDeck.
When creating the product record, the system adds this percentage to the cost to create the selling price. If you enter 0, the cost and price will be the same. If you leave this field empty, the process leaves blank all price fields on newly created products.
to $Enter the dollar amount you want to use (along with the Rounding Method) to determine the format of the selling price. For example, if you enter 4.99 in this field and select Up in the Rounded field, the system rounds each selling price to the next highest number that ends in 4.99. That is, a selling price calculated by the system as $24.31 would round to $24.99. If you enter .99 in this field and select either Down or Nearest in the Rounded field, the $24.31 price would be lowered to $23.99.
XML Tag Name for CostEnter the XML tag name (without the < or >) that is used to extract the cost data from the RetailDeck download file.