Vendor Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Overview

Use STORIS' Vendor Electronic Data Interchange to electronically transmit and receive purchase orders, invoices, and other documents. The following routines each affect this process:

Whenever you create a purchase order for an EDI vendor, when you save the document a prompt appears asking if you want to submit the PO for EDI processing.  If you answer yes, STORIS makes the PO available for Exim’s connection software - Exim checks this file regularly.  In this way, STORIS routes purchase orders to the appropriate vendors automatically within a few minutes.   

Vendors send back different types of EDI documents including the following:

 STORIS sends ASN updates to the WMS interface if the following is true:

    - WMS is active on your system,

    - the associated purchase order’s stocking location is set up as a WMS location, and

    - the purchase order has previously been sent to WMS.

You must import the documents from Exim back into the system.  You can process the documents in one of two ways:

- foreground - updates all PO’s with the EDI documents received. The foreground process runs once and then stops.  

- background - spawns a phantom process. The phantom process runs the import process every 15 minutes based on our default settings. The phantom runs until a user manually shuts it down.  

When importing EDI documents, the system processes all document types at once, including acknowledgements and invoices.

When Are Invoices Generated?

810 invoices from a vendor are normally sent at the time the purchase order is shipped.  However, we do not process the invoice until the merchandise has been received.  Thus, cases may occur where your system receives an invoice electronically but does not process for a couple weeks.  STORIS holds invoices for the number of days specified at the Invoice Hold Days field in the Vendor EDI Settings.

Partial Shipments

For purchase orders not shipped in full, the vendor should invoice you only for the merchandise shipped.  If the invoice contains all of the lines, STORIS waits to process the invoice until the PO is completely received or the invoice hold days have been met - even for lines that have not been received.  At the time the vendor invoice hold days are met, STORIS processes the lines that were received on the PO.  For the lines not yet received, you must either bill manually or request another invoice from the vendor.

Prepaid Invoices Using EDI

The EDI process follows the same business rules as the normal invoice/billing process.  EDI does not account for pre-payment of merchandise.

Cost Discrepancies

You can specify how you want the system to handle cost discrepancies, for example a discrepancy between the PO and the acknowledgement. Use the Apply Cost Change to Vendor Billing field in the Vendor EDI Settings.  


Since vendors can re-acknowledge a PO multiple times, EDI updates the PO with any current information, for example delivery date changes, price changes, quantity changes, etc., and the changes reflect via the acknowledgement number and date (displayed on the View a Purchase Order screen).  Any changes made via EDI list in the purchase order comments.

Using the Add-On Freight Feature With EDI

To use the Add-On Freight feature with EDI, you must

STORIS will then send freight approximations to Costing. In this setup, STORIS relieves freight at the time pieces are sold.

When using the Add-On Freight feature with EDI, STORIS updates only the AP freight account.  STORIS does not update the freight asset nor does it add freight to the costing table/layers.  

 STORIS does not process customer-return or manual invoices from EDI.  You must perform these manually.

STORIS recommends that, particularly in the beginning stages of using STORIS EDI processing, you request hard copies of the invoices.  
You cannot submit purchase orders on hold for EDI processing.

Any changes made via EDI list in the Purchase Order Comments file.