View a Vendor's Payable Activity


Tabs:  Summary, Open Bills, Closed Bills

This routine is a STORIS standard DTS inquiry. You can modify its contents via the Dynamic Tab Settings (DTS Setup) routine, but you cannot delete it. Since DTSs are user-defined and changeable, the descriptions in this topic may not match the DTS inquiry you see on your screen. This topic describes the DTS as it appears when you first install STORIS.

Use this inquiry to view open and closed payable activity for a selected vendor.  After you specify a vendor to view, information on the vendor appears on the screen. Click on the other tabs to view additional information.  This routine includes separate tabs for various document types. Each tab includes a grid whose columns are specific to the type of document.

If you select the special RFND vendor, some fields are inactive and some columns in the grid function differently.  See the field and grid documentation below.



This tab displays a summary of payable information related to the selected vendor.

Aging Method



Total on Hold

Total Pending

Calendar YTD Dollars

Previous Year Dollars

Exchange Rate

Open Bills

This tab displays detailed information on open AP bills.  The grid display is listed in (AP) Bill number order. Use the entry fields to filter your output.  Click on the Filter button to search for AP bills based on your selected search criteria. Note that the Filter button is not active until you specify a filter value.

Status to Include

Hold Code


Bill Type

Remit To

Purchase Order


Closed Bills

This tab displays summary payable information related to the selected vendor.  The grid display is listed in (AP) Bill number order.  Use the entry fields to filter your output.  Click on the Filter button to search for AP bills based on your selected search criteria. Note that the Filter button is not active until you specify a filter value.


Bill Type

Remit To


Purchase Order

Starting Date

Ending Date