View AP Bill
Tabs: General, Invoice Detail, Check Information
Use this routine to view both open and closed AP bills. This is a read-only routine. That is, once you specify a bill to view, you cannot edit any other fields in this routine. To edit or create AP bills, use the Enter/Update Individual Expense Invoice routine.
If you reached this routine via the Enter Multiple Vendor Invoices routine (as opposed to accessing this routine directly from the Accounting menu), note that many fields on the screen are filled with default values generated by responses you made in that routine. Some of the field documentation in this topic assumes no values were entered into a particular field and instructs you on how to enter a response. You can ignore these instructions. The basic functionality of this routine is the same regardless of how you access it.
If you select the Toggle Currency option before you choose the View Payments option, payments display in domestic currency.
Header Area
TPA#STORIS Accounting Only: The Third Party Accounting (TPA) reference assigned by the TPA appears.
After you specify a bill number, a paper clip icon appears on the button bar next to the Help button. If this icon is active (that is, bold-faced) on a tab , it indicates a file attachment exists for the selected tab or for an item in the order related to the selected tab (for example, a customer or product image file ). If the icon is dimmed, no attachments exist for selected tab.
This is a read-only routine. The documentation below describes the entry version of this routine, and appears here for reference purposes only.
DateEnter the AP transaction date (that is, the current date). If editing an existing bill and STORIS AP Processing is active, you can edit the date that appears. Note that the date in this field must be from an open sales period.
Hold Code
VendorThe vendor to whom payment is due appears.
Invoice Number
Invoice DateEnter or select (from the drop-down calendar) the date of the invoice or credit received from the vendor.
Terms Code
Freight AmountIf the invoice contains freight charges, enter the freight amount into this field. The system assigns these charges to the payables company.
Sales Tax AmountIf the invoice contains sales tax charges, enter the sales tax in this field. The system assigns these charges to the payables company.
Miscellaneous AmountUse this field to enter any miscellaneous charges from this invoice. You can enter a negative amount. The system assigns these charges to the payables company.
Total Invoice AmountAs items are approved, this field reflects the total invoice amount or total credit amount approved. The total invoice amount also includes freight, sales tax, and miscellaneous amounts, if any were entered from the invoice.
Exchange RateThe exchange rate appears. Use this field to enter a new exchange rate for bills for foreign vendors. Whenever you change the exchange rate, the system recalculates all domestic amounts and updates the appropriate GL accounts. If using TPA, this field is active only for new bills. If using STORIS AP Processing, this field is active only for unpaid bills.
The Terms Amount and the Open Amount for the selected bill display at the bottom of this tab.

Invoice Detail
This is a read-only routine. The documentation below describes the entry version of this routine, and appears here for reference purposes only.
Use this tab to edit open AP bills linked to a purchase order and enter and edit expense bills not linked to a purchase order (STORIS Accounting only).
Proof AmountThe difference between the total invoice amount on the General tab and the approved total on the this tab appears. To exit this routine, the proof amount must be 0.00 (that is, the total invoice amount must equal the approved total).
Approved TotalThe total cost of the invoice (that is, the sum of the approved quantity of all items in the grid multiplied by the sum of the unit costs of all items in the grid) appears here.
Available for Approval
If editing an existing bill, the following fields of information display for the selected product:
Approved for Payment
ReferenceIf editing an existing bill, the purchase order or reference number appears. If editing a linked bill with a bill type number 01 - Merchandise/Invoice on the General tab, you can click on the Search button to access the AP Select Available Screen (STORIS AP only) appears, from which you can select items.
For expense bills not linked to a purchase order, enter a free-text reference for the item you want to approve for AP billing. Do not enter a product code.
Vendor ModelIf editing an existing bill, the vendor model number from the selected product record displays.
For expense bills not linked to a purchase order, enter a free-text vendor model (if any) for the item you want to approve for AP billing.
DescriptionIf editing an existing bill, the product description from the selected product record displays.
For expense bills not linked to a purchase order, enter a free-text description for the item you want to approve for AP billing.
QuantityEnter the quantity of the product you want to approve for AP billing.
Unit Cost
ExtensionThe extension amount appears (that is, quantity times unit cost).
After you finish entering payable or credit information (product, quantity, unit cost) for a grid item, select Add. The system returns to the Reference field, where you can approve additional products (if any) for AP billing. When you finish entering payable or credit information, select Save to create the bill. If using TPA, the program adds the approvals to a batch that you can transmit to your third-party accounting package.
If using TPA, when deleting un-transmitted approvals, the only options available are Delete (to delete selected invoices) and Exit (to exit the program without deleting the un-transmitted invoices selected).

Check Information
This is a read-only routine. The documentation below describes the entry version of this routine, and appears here for reference purposes only.
Use this tab to maintain information on check processing, including remittance information. This tab is active only if STORIS Accounting is active.
The default remit-to information displays.
CommentUse this field to specify a default check print comment.
Pay DateThe pay date displays. This field defaults to the Terms Date, if one exists. If not, the field defaults to the Due Date.
AmountThe net amount of the Freight, Sales Tax, and Miscellaneous fields appears. You can edit this field. Note that the system recalculates this amount each time you edit the Total Invoice Amount field on the General tab.
Quick Check ActiveTo activate Quick Check Processing, check the box. Security restrictions apply. If the Print accounts payable checks field is not enabled in the Extended Security Settings for the log-on user, a qualified user must enter their user ID and password to allow access to this field.
Separate Check
This grid displays scheduled payments (if any) and allows you to edit existing bills. The grid is active and populated only if the terms specified is a Scheduled Payment type. Grid columns include:
Invoice DateThe invoice date displays.
Due DateThe due date displays. This date calculates based on the selected terms code.
Terms DateThe terms discount date displays.
DiscountThe discount associated with the selected terms code displays.
Alternate Payment Method
Use these fields to select a manual payment method. To access these fields, a check must appear at the Select alternate payment methods during vendor invoice entry field in the Extended Security section of the User file for the log-on user.
Once you make a selection at the Method field, the following fields activate:
DateEnter the payment date. This is a required field. For on-line payments, this is the delivery date. You can enter a past date as long as it’s not in a closed sales period.
When filing AP bills other than pending AP bills, the GL Postings screen appears.