Use this routine to create custom user-defined inquiries called DTS (dynamic tab select) inquiries. Begin by selecting a basic template, then choosing the individual inquiries from a list of existing STORIS inquiry screens to be added as tabs to your DTS template. Not all STORIS inquiries can be added to DTSs. The DTS can be accessed from the STORIS menu.
After tabs are
set up and accessed, all fields are visible. After a customer is selected,
some fields are hidden based on your account settings and available customer
First, create your DTS:
1. Use the fields on this screen to select your DTS template and customize your selected inquiry tabs.
2. Arrange the tabs as necessary in the grid.
3. Click Save.
Second, add your DTS to the STORIS menu:
1. After clicking Save, a prompt appears asking if you want to add this DTS to the User Defined Options for Staff Menu Builder.
If you answer Yes, the User Defined Menu Description window appears that allows you to enter the description text that will appear on the STORIS menu. This description initially entered in Dynamic Tab Settings is defaulted here. (NOTE: Since a single DTS can appear on multiple menus, you may want to give each a unique yet related name.) However, this is not a required field. Click Save.
If you answer No, the DTS is not added to the User Defined menu and the DTS cannot be viewed. Each time you save the DTS, this prompt appears until you answer Yes.
2. After clicking Save, use the Set Up Menus routine to add a DTS to the User Defined menu in order to make it available within STORIS.
Each DTS is based on one of the following types:
Product (IC)
Customer (AR)
Vendor (AP)
Salesperson (TE)
Advanced Receivables (AR)
Each of the above DTS types consists of a different set of inquires from which you can choose. You specify the type at the Type field, and the inquiry options available to you list accordingly. When your DTS is created, the header and General page are always included.
STORIS comes delivered with the following standard DTS inquiries. You can edit these, but you cannot delete them.
Inquiry ID |
Type |
Name |
1 |
IC |
2 |
IC |
3 |
AR |
4 |
AR |
5 |
TE |
6 |
IC |
7 |
AP |
8 |
AR |
9 |
AR |