Legacy eSTORIS Settings
This screen contains three tabs of data fields that are used if the
eSTORIS on-line
sales entry feature is active on your system. Use these tabs to establish
settings for the products (if any) you make available on your eSTORIS web site.
If you make a change to any of the fields
on these tabs, the fields with the same label names are also updated on
the eSTORIS, eBridge, and eBridge SEO tabs of the advanced
product settings. The reverse is also true; fields changed on the
tabs of product settings update fields on the tabs of Legacy eSTORIS Settings.
If the eSTORIS
on-line sales entry feature is active on your system, you can use the
fields on this tab (as well as on the eSTORIS 2 tab) to establish settings
for the products (if any) you make available on your eSTORIS
web site. Otherwise, this tab is inactive. Note that for web products,
if the selling price is less than the suggested retail price, the web
displays both prices for the product, with the suggested retail price
"crossed out".
Web DescriptionUse this
field to enter an additional description of the product that you want
to appear on the eSTORIS web site.
Web Category
Web CategoriesEnter any additional eSTORIS
web categories (that is, categories
in addition to the primary category you specified in the field above)
to which you want to assign this product. If you click on the Search button,
you access the Additional
Web Categories Lookup window, from which you can make one or more
IDEnter or edit the filename of the image (if any)
you want to associate with this product when accessed on eSTORIS. For
example, enter a filename like IMAGE.JPG. Any edits you make to this field
reflect in the corresponding field in the eSTORIS Administrator, and vice-versa.
This is not a required field.
Height, Width, DepthUse these
fields to indicate the physical dimensions (height, width, and depth)
of the product. These dimensions display on the product details page on
the web.
Icovia Information
Include in Room BuilderCheck
the box to indicate that the product is available for use with the Icovia
Room Builder.
Icon IDIndicate
the image filename for this product that Icovia uses in its Room Builder.
Minimum Web Stock Available QuantityEnter
the minimum web stock quantity for the selected product. Products
whose stock quantity falls below the quantity you enter here do not display
Direct Ship from Web

If the eSTORIS
on-line sales entry feature is active on your system, you can use the
fields on this tab (as well as on the eSTORIS 1 tab) to establish settings
for the products (if any) you make available on your eSTORIS
web site. Otherwise, this tab is inactive. Note that for web products,
if the selling price is less than the suggested retail price, the web
displays both prices for the product, with the suggested retail price
"crossed out".
on Web
Suppress Add to CartTo deactivate
the Add to Cart button on eSTORIS for the selected product, check the
box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. If you check the box at this field,
when a user clicks on the Add to Cart button in eSTORIS for the selected
product, a message appears indicating the product is available for purchase
only in the store.
AvailabilityTo display stock availability
for the selected product on the web site, check the box. Otherwise, leave
the box blank.
AdvertisedIf you enable this field,
the words "As Advertised" precede the price when the selected
product appears on the web site. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Company Special
Category Special
Color Palette CodeEnter
the code of the color palette (if any) you want to export to eSTORIS for
the selected product. For more information on this field, contact
your STORIS representative.
BenefitsUse this text box to enter
any additional comments or information you want to appear for the product
To separate the benefit text into separate lines, you can insert
the HTML break characters <br>
following each section of text that you want to be treated as a separate

Use this tab to enter search engine optimization (SEO)
information for world-wide-web searches of eSTORIS products. The
data you enter here provides content to the eSTORIS web page associated
with the selected product. This content assists in search engine
optimization with the intention of improving the web page's ranking in
search engine results, thus increasing the likelihood that customers searching
the world wide web will find the product's eSTORIS web page.
KeywordsUse this
field to enter keywords the SEO process can use to improve this product's
ranking in search engine results. You can enter as many keywords
as you like for the selected product. Separate each entry with a
The keywords you enter here appear in the Keywords section of the product's
web page.
Meta DescriptionEnter
a Meta description of the web page associated with the selected product
for use with the search engine optimization process.
Title TagEnter
a title for the web page associated with this product. The text you enter
here is reference by the SEO process.
Image Alt TagEnter
the description you want to appear when a user hovers their mouse over
the product image on eSTORIS. The text you enter here is reference by
the SEO process.
SEO URLEnter an SEO URL for the web page associated with the selected product.
When viewing this product on eSTORIS, the address you enter here displays
in the address bar instead of the actual address. The text you enter
here is reference by the SEO process.
Each URL must be unique, even across STORIS files. For example, if
the Product file has sofas/luxury.aspx, then the Web Category file cannot
use that same URL.
The following routines also have
SEO tabs:
- Web
Category Settings
- Web
Collection Settings
- Web
Master Settings