This window appears at Product fields that allow your response to include multiple products. You can enter product names directly into the Product field or click on the Search button to access the Search for a Product window. Either way, the products you specify appear in the grid at the bottom of the window.
To enter product names directly, press <Enter> when you have finished typing the name into the Product field. The product and the description appear in the grid. You must enter the name correctly or an error appears. Re-enter the name or use the Search Product Information window to search for it.
The read-only version of this screen appears when accessed through a view-only
version of the routine, such as View Advanced Product Settings. In this
version, you may only view the currently available selection(s).
If more records exist than can fit in the grid, use the scroll bar on the right side of the grid to view additional records. When you locate the desired record, highlight it and press Enter. You can also double-click on the record to select it.
When the grid contains the products you want, click the Add button. The system returns to the previous screen and adds the selected products to the Product field. The Product field displays "..." to indicate multiple products. To exit the Multiple Product Selection Window without specifying any products, click on Exit. You are returned to the previous screen.
To clear a selected item, click the Clear button. The item is cleared from the Product field. It remains in the grid.
To remove an item, double-click to select the item then click the Remove button to remove the selected item from the grid.