Delivery Processing Overview

This topic includes a list of routines you use with the Delivery Processing feature.  This feature allows you to arrange delivery for orders whose order type (specified at the Type field in the order-entry routine) is set to Delivery.

To be eligible for delivery, the following must be true for an order:

 STORIS also provides a Route Mapping Interface through which you can connect to a third-party route-mapping program such as RouteView® or ArcLogistics®.

You can use the Forms Designer to customize your delivery forms such as delivery tickets. For example, you can add logos and/or disclaimer text to your forms.

Delivery Charges

For each order in STORIS, the delivery charge amount (if any) appears in the Delivery Charge field on the Payment page. You can enter delivery charges manually, or you can set up your system to default a delivery charge into your order-entry processes.  Users can then accept the default or the default with a new delivery charge for the order.

STORIS calculates (or recalculates) the delivery charge in any of the following situations within an order-entry routine:

Defaulting Delivery Charges

To specify your default delivery charge calculation method, use the Delivery Charge Settings field on the Delivery page in the Point of Sale Control Settings. This field provides the following options.  

 You can also default delivery charges via the Automatic Delivery Charge Calculation Feature.  However, the description below ignores that feature.

If you check the box at the Delivery Charges - Apply Pick Up Charges to Returns field on the Delivery page of the Point of Sale Control Settings, the Recalculate Delivery Charge field on the same tab affects the calculation of pickup charges for customer returns.

Depending on the method you use, default delivery charges can calculate based on the

You can specify a "base delivery charge" for one or more zip codes via the Delivery Charge Settings.  If a customer's ship-to address on a sales order falls within one of those zip codes, the program defaults the base delivery charge into the order.  You can restrict the base delivery charge to selected products, product groups, or product categories being delivered to selected zip codes.

You can also specify a piece limit per delivery, over which the system applies an additional fixed charge per piece. The system applies this amount to all zip codes.  You can exclude selected products, product groups, or product categories from the piece limit count.

For example, assume you specify a piece limit of 10 and a fixed charge of 5$ per piece over the limit, and also choose to exclude Product Group A from per-piece delivery charges.  If you enter an order for 20 pieces, five of which are from Product Group A, then the system

That is, the piece count for the order exceeds the piece limit by 10, but 5 of the pieces belong to Product Group A which you excluded from per-piece delivery charges.  Thus, the over-the-limit count is 5, the additional charge per-piece is 5$, and the total per-piece delivery charge for the order is 25$.

Partially Completed Orders

For orders partially completed, the base delivery charge and the per-piece charge re-calculate for each occurrence.

Delivery Charge Commissions

STORIS can generate commission records (positive and negative) for

To calculate commissions on delivery charges, use the On Delivery Charge field on the Pricing and Commissions tab in the Point of Sale Control Settings. To report on delivery commission exceptions, use the Delivery Commission Exceptions report in the Report Builder.

 To generate delivery charge commissions, you must be set up to default delivery charges (see section above).

Delivery Processing Setup

- number of stops

- number of pieces

- dollar value of goods being delivered

- capacity units available on the trucks for deliveries

N - north route

S - south route

SAT - Saturday route

Routines Used When Processing Delivery Orders

The following are the basic steps involved in the delivery process.

  1. Enter your sales orders and schedule delivery for the appropriate date and route.  Be sure the merchandise is reserved.

  2. Access the Logistical Scheduling routine and confirm all the orders are set for delivery on that date and route.

  3. Print all Delivery Tickets for that date and route.  You can distribute these to your delivery people so they can load the trucks and get on the road.  These tickets contain all of the information they need including product, customer name, address, route code, etc.  The tickets also contain a signature line for the customer, and you can add disclosure text through Forms Designer if you like.

  4. You can then build and print the manifest.

  5. Once you confirm that all of the deliveries on the manifest have been successfully delivered, you can complete the manifest, thus completing/closing all orders on the manifest and officially relieving STORIS of the inventory.

You do not have to follow this flow entirely.  For example, you have the option to print the delivery tickets directly from the sales order screen.  You can also print pick lists and/or pack lists.  

Delivery Reports

Delivery Inquiries

Other Delivery Features

Shipping Routines