Report Sales Orders with Delivery Dates in Jeopardy
(Broken Promises Report)
You can run this report for either regular orders or special orders.
Regular Orders
When you run this report for regular orders, the report identifies all sales orders containing products for which stock will not be available by the estimated delivery date. To identify these products, the system examines the quantity net available and then compares the estimated delivery date and the purchase order receiving date. Data can be for a specified warehouse (ship location) or all warehouses combined.
For products with a delivery date in jeopardy, the report lists all open sales and purchase orders associated with the product. In this way, you can attempt to adjust delivery dates and/or purchase order dates to accommodate the order with a delivery date in jeopardy.
Special Orders
When you run this report for special orders, the report lists all special orders whose estimated delivery date is earlier than the purchase order estimated delivery date, indicating that the product may not reach the customer by the desired date.
The report does not include
- orders with a delivery status of CWC or ASAP.
- products with a non-saleable status (for example, floor samples or as-is products).
If Regional Processing is active on your system, read the Report Exceptions portion of Regional Processing - Reporting Rules for details on how Regional Processing affects this report.
If multiple delivery dates are present, the regular orders version displays all delivery dates for an item, while the special orders version displays only the first date for which the purchase order will not arrive in time for a special order product.
For service orders, use the Report Service Orders with Service Dates in Jeopardy routine.
ReportChoose whether you want to run the report for Regular Orders or for Special Orders.
Print DetailsThis option is available only if you select Regular Orders at the Report prompt. If you check the box at this field, the system includes the customer name, home phone and work phone on the report. If you are printing a Special Order report, the customer name and phone number always print on the report.
Location TypeIf you select Regular Orders at the Report prompt, this field defaults to Stock Location and cannot be changed. If running the Special Orders report, you can choose to run the report for Stock Location or Selling Location.
LocationIf you are reporting by Region, leave this field blank. Otherwise, you must specify at least one location. You can enter the code directly in this field, or click the arrow button to select a location from the list. If you click the action button, you access the Multiple Location Selection Window, which you can use to select one, multiple, or all locations to report. The selection at the Location Type field determines whether you are reporting based on the stock or selling location.
VendorYou can limit the report to one or more vendors, or you can leave the field blank to report on all vendors. Enter the code of a single vendor directly in this field, or click the search button to use the Vendor Name Search to find a vendor. If you click the action button, you access the Multiple Vendor Selection Window, from which you can select one or more vendor codes.
SalespersonYou can limit the report to one or more salespersons or you can leave the field blank to report on all salespeople. Enter the code of a single salesperson directly in this field, or click the search button to select a salesperson from the list. If you click the action button, you access the Multiple Salesperson Selection Window, from which you can select one or more salesperson codes.
Primary SortIf you are running the special order report, you can click the arrow and select Location/Region, Vendor, or Salesperson as your primary sort criterion or you can leave this field blank and the report sorts by order number. If you are running the report for regular orders, this field defaults to a primary sort by location/region and cannot be changed.
Secondary SortIf you are running the special order report, you can click the arrow and select a secondary sort criterion. If you are running the report for regular orders, this field remains blank and cannot be changed.
Send Output toThe output destination of the report displays. To change the output destination, click on the Actions button and select Output Settings.
Export PathIf you select either the Personal Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export, or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit the export path using this process.

Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.