All Region or District prompts in report routines are inactive unless Regional Processing is turned on the General System Control Settings.
Region or District prompts are inactive if the log-on user is restricted to a store or list of locations.
The District/Region prompts are mutually exclusive from the Location prompt. That is, only one can be active at the same time.
If you have unrestricted access, the following is true:
If the District/Region prompt is blank, the Location prompt is accessible. All warehouses display in the location drop down. In most cases, you can select one, several or all locations.
If the Location prompt is blank, the District/Region prompt is accessible. All districts/regions display in the drop down for that field. In most cases, you can select one, several or all districts/regions.
If you are restricted to a single region/district, the system inactivates the region/district prompt. Instead, if you click on the Arrow at the Location prompt, you can access all locations within your region/district. In most cases, you can select one, several, or all.
If you are restricted to your log-on location, no selection is available. The Region/District field is inactive and the only selection available is your log-in location.
If you have been set up to process from a specific list of locations, either on the staff level or on the warehouse location level, the system inactivates the Region/District field. You access the list of locations available to you via the drop down list at the Location field.
To select All Locations (that
is, all locations available to you), click on the Action button at the
field to access the Multiple
Location Selection Window, then click on the Search button at the
Location field to access the Multiple
Selection Lookup Window. Then, click on Select All.
Several reports and/or processes do not follow the Regional Processing rules exactly.
The Report Open Sales Order Summary (Open Order Report by Header) and Report Open Sales Order Detail (by Line Item) reports always follow sales restrictions (district) regardless of whether you are selecting your Sort By to Selling location or Ship from location or Stocking location.
When running the Report Sales Orders with Delivery Dates in Jeopardy (Broken Promises) report, you have the option to choose regular orders or special orders.
When you select regular orders, because location type is forced to stock location, the system bases location selection on inventory restrictions (regional).
When you select special orders, you have the option to select stock location or selling location. Regardless of your selection, the system follows sales restrictions (district).
The Product Performance and Purchase Recommendations routine (Full Buyers Worksheet) does not honor location list restrictions. If Regional Processing is active, you must have regional access to run this process.
The Report Open To Buy Information routine does not honor location list restrictions. If Regional Processing is active, you must have regional access to run this process.
The Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment process does not honor location list restrictions. If Regional Processing is active, you must have regional access to run this process.
To use the Report Reconciliation of Inventory to GL Values routine, you must have access to all locations.