Customer > Point of Sale > POS Views and Reports > Report Open Sales Order Detail
This report provides a list of open orders by selected product criteria. You can restrict the report to a specified
order type,
line type, and/or
delivery status.
If Regional
Processing is active on your system, read the Report Exceptions portion
of Regional
Processing - Reporting Rules for details on how Regional Processing
affects this report.
If multiple
delivery dates are present for an item in the report, all scheduled
and unscheduled delivery dates appear on separate lines.
If you set up sales districts for your organization and regional processing is active, you can limit the report to specific districts. Click the Arrow button to select one specific district, or click the Action button and use the multiple selection window to select multiple (or all) districts. To access this field,
Regional Processing must be active (via the Regional Processing field in the General System Control Settings,
you must not be restricted to any store or list of locations, via the Location Restrictions tab in the Create a User (Staff) file, and
the Stock Location field on this screen must be blank.
Enter the code of the location on which to report. If you click the Arrow button, a list of locations appears from which you can choose. If you select Multiple Locations from the list, the Multiple Locations Selection Window appears from which you can choose one or more locations. If you click on the Action button An outlet to additional routines and functions. Identified by a blue button with a white ellipsis, Action buttons appear next to fields., the Multiple Locations Selection Window also appears from which you can choose one or more locations. This field is active only if the District field is blank. If not reporting by District, you must indicate at least one location.
At this and any other Location field, the locations you see (that
is, the list of locations available to you) may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Specify the method by which to sort the report. If you click on the Arrow button, the following options appear:
Your selection at this field determines the availability of the Product, Brand, Vendor, Category, and Group fields below.
This field is activated by selecting "P"roduct in the Sort By field. Use this Product field to select a product you want to include on the report. You can do so by either entering the product code directly into the field, clicking the Search button to select a product from the Search for a Product window, or clicking the Action button to select a product from the Multiple Product Selection Window. Leave the field blank to select all products.
If you select Brand at the Sort By field, you activate this field. Specify the brands you want to include on the report. You can
enter a brand code directly into the field,
click the Search button to access a list of brands from which you can choose,
click the Action button to access the Multiple Brand Selection Window from which you can choose one or more brands, or
leave the field blank to select all brands.
If you select Vendor at the Sort By field, you activate this field. Specify the vendors you want to include on the report. You can
enter a vendor code directly into the field,
click the Search button to access the Vendor Name Search,
click the Action button to access the Multiple Vendor Selection Window from which you can choose one or more vendors, or
leave the field blank to select all vendors.
If you select Category at the Sort By field, you activate this field. Specify the categories you want to include on the report. You can
enter a category code directly into the field,
click the Search button to access a list of categories from which you can choose,
click the Action button to access the Multiple Category Selection Window from which you can choose one or more categories, or
leave the field blank to select all categories.
If you select Group at the Sort By field, you activate this field. Specify the groups you want to include on the report. You can
enter a group code directly into the field,
click the Search button to access a list of groups from which you can choose,
click the Action button to access the Multiple Group Selection Window from which you can choose one or more groups , or
leave the field blank to select all groups.
Use this field to restrict the report to orders with selected delivery statuses. Click the Arrow button to select from the following options:
(blank)- All orders (leave the field blank).
D - All dated orders.
SCH - Scheduled orders only. On the report, #SCH indicates that an unscheduled quantity exists on the order.
EST - Estimated orders only. On the report, #SCH indicates that an unscheduled quantity exists on the order.
ASAP - As Soon As Possible orders only.
CWC - Customer Will Call orders only.
Back Orders OnlyTo include
only orders with back-ordered quantities, check the box at this field.
Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Include Order TypesCheck
one or more boxes to indicate the types of orders you want to include
in this report. You must select at least one order type.
Indicate the line types to include on the report. You have the following options:
All Order Lines
Deliveries Only
Pickups Only
Direct-Ship Only
Send Output
toThe output destination of
the report displays. To change the output destination, click on
the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV (Personal Report Viewer) A STORIS printer output option that allows you to customize report results, for example to rearrange data columns.), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.
Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run
to produce the report.