Report Open Sales Order Summary
(Open Order By Header Information)
Tabs: Selection, Details
Use this routine to generate a list of open sales orders, along with detailed information for each. You can restrict the report to only orders with balances due or include all orders. Order detail includes the merchandise amount, delivery/installation charges, tax, order total, deposits, and balance due.
If Regional Processing is active on your system, read the Report Exceptions portion of Regional Processing - Reporting Rules for details on how Regional Processing affects this report.
The report displays the sales order information including the following:
customer number
customer name
order number
order detail
order totals
For lines that have a linked transfer with a linked purchase order, the report displays "TP" next to the back-order quantity in the Quantity B/O column.
If multiple delivery dates are present for an item in the report, all scheduled and unscheduled delivery dates appear on separate lines.
Sort By
By Customer Name
With Balance Due OnlyIf you check the box, the report includes only open orders with a balance due.
SalespersonYou can run the report for all salespeople (leave field blank) or you can limit the report to specific salespeople. Click the Search button to select a salesperson code from the list or click the action button to access the multiple selection window, which you can use to select multiple salesperson codes.
CustomerEnter the code of the customer on which to report. If you click on the Search button, the Search for a Customer screen appears from which you can select a customer. If you leave the field blank, you include all customers in the report.
Delivery Status
Delivery Date
The selection you make at the Delivery Status field determines whether the Delivery Date fields below are active.
Date TypeClick on the Arrow button to view a list of date codes, then select the code that best indicates the time period on which to base your report.
StartIf you select CUS at the Date Type field, you activate this field. Use this field to specify the start date of the custom date range for which you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and you cannot edit this field.
EndIf you select CUS at the Date Type field, you activate this field. Use this field to specify the end date of the custom date range for which you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and you cannot edit this field.
Order Date
Date TypeClick on the Arrow button to view a list of date codes, then select the code that best indicates the time period on which to base your report.
StartIf you select CUS at the Date Type field, you activate this field. Use this field to specify the start date of the custom date range for which you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and you cannot edit this field.
EndIf you select CUS at the Date Type field, you activate this field. Use this field to specify the end date of the custom date range for which you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and you cannot edit this field.
Back Orders
Note that if you select any of the options at the Include field, the program restricts your output options to Screen or Printer only. That is, adding any of those fields to the report causes the other output options to format incorrectly.
Output toThe output destination of the report displays. To change the output destination, click on the Actions button and select Output Settings.
Export PathIf you select either the Personal Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export, or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit the export path using this process.

Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.