Per Piece Delivery Charge Settings


Use this routine to specify information required to calculate per-piece delivery charges for sales orders.  You specify a piece limit per delivery, over which the system applies an additional fixed charge per piece. The system applies this amount to all zip codes.  You can exclude selected products, product groups, or product categories from the piece limit count.

For example, assume you specify a piece limit of 10 and a fixed charge of 5$ per piece over the limit, and also choose to exclude Product Group A from per-piece delivery charges.  If you enter an order for 20 pieces, five of which are from Product Group A, then the system

That is, the piece count for the order exceeds the piece limit by 10, but 5 of the pieces belong to Product Group A which you excluded from per-piece delivery charges.  Thus, the over-the-limit count is 5, the additional charge per-piece is 5$, and the total per-piece delivery charge for the order is 25$.

Per-piece delivery charges apply a user-defined amount to each piece that exceeds a user-defined piece limit.

 To select "Per Piece Charge" as a delivery calculation method (via the Delivery Charge Settings field on the Delivery tab in the Point of Sale Control Settings), you must create a per-piece method in this routine.

Base Delivery Charge

Base Piece Limit

Additional Piece Charge

Inventory Formation