Delivery Survey Screen
Use this routine to select the orders for which
you want to conduct delivery
surveys. The program provides a set of filters you can use to
select orders. The selected orders appear in the grid. Each time
you edit a filter field, the grid updates to reflect the change (if any).
Double-click on the order for which you want to conduct a delivery survey.
The Delivery
Survey Customer Information Screen appears. Use this screen
to confirm all information is accurate before accessing the Survey
Questions Screen to conduct the survey.
Order Number
Ship LocationUse this
field to restrict the grid display to a selected ship location. If
you click on the arrow, a list of locations appears from which you can
choose. Note that the locations you can access may be affected by
Processing restrictions.
the truck code (if any) used for the order you want to survey. This
field is active only if the Mapping Active field is checked in the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings for the selected ship location.
RouteUse this
field to restrict the grid display to a selected route code. If
you click on the Search button, a list of route codes appears from which
you can choose (the list is restricted to DL route types). Entry
in this field disables the Truck field. This prompt is active only
if the Mapping Active field is unchecked in the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings for the selected ship location.
Delivery DateThe current
date defaults. You can edit this field, but you cannot leave it blank.
Previously SurveyedIf you
uncheck this field, you restrict the grid display to orders not previously
Order Status