Use this screen to enter customer responses to survey questions about the quality of their recent delivery. This screen appears when you double-click on an order in the grid on the Delivery Survey Screen. The Delivery Survey Customer Information Screen appears first which you use to confirm the order information is correct.
You cannot create or edit questions
using this screen. To create survey questions, use the Delivery
Survey Settings routine.
For the order for which you are conducting the survey, this program identifies the order type and displays only questions associated with that order type (as specified at the Order Type field in the Delivery Survey Settings).
The contact name and phone number from the order display on the screen. Once you specify a survey ID, only the appropriate prompt types activate for each answer (defined as the Response Type in the Delivery Survey Settings). For example, for questions with a response type of Text, the Question field is active and the How Did They Respond field is inactive. If the response type is Both, then both fields are active but only the How did They Respond field is required
Once you access this screen,
each question on the screen must include a valid answer before you can
The system purges survey responses (but not the questions) via the End-of-Month
The Remove and Delete buttons are always inactive. You cannot delete questions or surveys. You must answer each question before you can proceed. The Clear button at the bottom of the screen is always inactive.
If you make changes to the screen, the Save button provides the only way to exit the screen. The Exit button is inactive unless you make no changes to the screen. Note that you must provide valid answers to all questions before you can leave the screen.