Customer > Point of Sale > Update and Assign Multi-Ship-To Orders
Customer > Customer Service > Update and Assign Multi-Ship-To Orders
Customer > Coordination and Logistics > Update and Assign Multi-Ship-To Orders
Merchandising and Distribution > Logistics > Delivery Processing > Point of Sale > Update and Assign Multi-Ship-To Orders
Customer > Customer Service > Coordination > Update and Assign Multi-Ship-To Orders
Use this routine to create and/or edit individual ship orders within a multi-ship-to master document.
Enter the number of the multi-ship-to master document for which you want to create and/or edit individual sub-documents.
CustomerThe name and code of bill-to customer for the selected master order appear. This is typically the builder.
Number of Sub-DocumentsThe number existing of ship-to sub-documents for the selected master order appears.
The date on which the multi-ship master sales order was entered into the system appears. If you click in the Calendar Icon, a calendar appears from which you can select a date. If you click on the Action button, a menu appears with the following options:
All existing open sub-documents for this multi-ship-to master document display as well as an option to create a new one. After you select an option, the Reference field inactivates. If creating a new ship order, the remaining fields become available for entry.
If you select an existing sub-document, all remaining fields in this section display but are unavailable. If creating a new ship order, all fields are mandatory except Address2, Phone Number and, if the Delivery Status field is set to ASAP or CWC, Delivery Date as well.
When creating a new ship order, the system temporarily assigns an order number of PENDING. When you save the order, the system assigns the actual order number.
Each line item from the multi-ship-to master document appears on a line in the grid. The Available column displays the quantity ordered for each product on the master order, indicating the quantity available to move to the ship order. For existing ship orders, the Quantity column displays the quantity already added to the ship order. For new ship orders, this column is empty.
Use the Add column to enter the number of pieces you want to move to the ship order. The Total column displays the total number of pieces on the ship order for each product (that is, the sum of existing and newly moved pieces).
Save - updates both the ship order and the master order.
Clear - discards all changes since the last Save and clears the existing order.
Delete - this button is inactive on this screen. To edit existing master and ship orders, use Sales Order Entry.
Exit - exits the screen. A message appears asking if you want to save any changes you made.
If deposits exist on the master order, a message appears when you exit the screen offering the option to distribute any or all of the deposits to any ship order. Note that deposits left on a master order are not cleaned up automatically.