Complete the Delivery Manifest Process
Use this routine to complete the last step in the
delivery manifest process. After you deliver all merchandise and the delivery
personnel returns with the original
manifest report, you can then process the route completion.
Use this routine to record the actual delivery of the items on the manifest
and to complete the order.
enter COD payments, click on the Actions button and select Apply Payments
to access the Payment
Summary Window.
the location for which to complete a manifest. Depending on user settings
and the log-in
screen, a default location can appear in this field. You can override
the default response.
If you click on the Arrow button, you can choose from the drop-down list
of locations available to you.
Note that here and at any other Location field, the locations you
see (that is, the list of locations available to you) may be affected
by Regional
Processing restrictions.
date defaults, but you can select another date. Click the calendar icon
and select the date of the manifest that is being completed.
the route for the manifest you are completing. You can click the Search
button to locate a route code. If the Route
Mapping Interface is not active, you must enter a route code into
this field.
the truck for which you are completing this manifest.
Use this field for delivery and service manifests only. If the Route
Mapping Interface is active on your system and active for the selected
location (via the Mapping Active field in Warehouse Location record),
you use this field instead of the Route field.
CarrierThe shipping (freight)
company used to deliver the merchandise displays.
the bank to use when posting COD payments received at the time the items
on the manifest were delivered/picked up. If you click on the Search button,
a list of banks appears from which you can choose.
TypeThe type
of manifest displays:
- Delivery
- Transfer
- Service
amount due from the customers for the orders on this manifest displays.
CollectedIf COD
payments have been applied, the payments received from the customers for
the orders on the manifest display here.
New Storage LocationUse this
field to specify a new storage location for returned items or items that
were not delivered. If you specify a new storage location, you can use
it as the default location for all undelivered or returned items on the
manifest. Note that this field is active only for Location
Tracked locations.
You can also specify different storage locations for individual pieces
on the Order Completion
Details screen.
the document number or double-click to select a document from the grid.
If no money is due on the order, the program automatically selects the
Detail option at Action and displays the Order
Completion Details screen. Use the detail screen to record the pieces
actually delivered/picked up and to reschedule and record any items that
were not delivered/picked up.

Any item on a manifest is capable of creating a manifest exception
(for example, an item not delivered or a customer return not picked up).
If your system is set to track manifest completion exceptions (via the
Manifest Exception
Retention field on the Logistics page of the Point
of Sale Control Settings), the system adds each exception to the ROUTE.EXCEPTION
file, which you can use with the Create
a Report (Query Wizard Builder) routine to generate reports about
manifest completion exceptions.