This topic contains a list of questions frequently asked by STORIS users about deliveries and logistics. If you click on a question, the answer appears. Please note that more than one solution may exist for a given situation. Read the answers completely to determine which method best suits your company's needs.
Point of Sale Sub-Categories: Credit Holds, Credits and Refunds, Deliveries and Logistics, Gift Cards and Certificates, Sales Order Processing, Payment Processing, Returns and Exchanges, Salesperson, Tax, Warranty
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What are the basic steps involved in the delivery process?
Note that these steps are an outline and may be different from your actual process.
Use the Enter a Sales Order process to enter the sale and schedule the appropriate date and route. Be sure the merchandise is reserved A line-item status indicating the system was able to find and allocate inventory to the line item..
Access the Logistical Scheduling routine and confirm all the orders are set for delivery on that date and route.
Print all Delivery Tickets for that date and route. You can distribute these to your delivery people so they can load the trucks and get on the road. These tickets contain all of the information they need including product, customer name, address, route code, etc. It also contains a signature line for the customer, and you can add disclosure text through Forms Designer if you like.
Once you confirm that all of the deliveries on the manifest have been successfully delivered, you can complete the manifest, thus completing/closing every order on the manifest and officially relieving STORIS of the inventory.
How do I individually complete and/or finalize a delivery or customer-pickup
sales transaction?
To complete/finalize individual delivery or customer pickup sales transactions, you must 1) print the delivery ticket and 2) complete the order.
1) Print the delivery ticket by using the Print a Delivery Ticket or Print all Delivery Tickets processes. In order to print a ticket, the following must be true:
A scheduled delivery/pickup date must exist on the Customer tab of the given transaction screen.
Merchandise must be reserved A line-item status indicating the system was able to find and allocate inventory to the line item. to the order.
No credit holds can exist for the order.
allowed by your Point
of Sale Control Settings, you may have the option to print delivery
and/or pickup tickets directly from within the order entry screen.
2) Complete the order by selecting the type of order being completed (delivery, etc.) using the Completion Type field on the Payment tab of the order entry. This field is inactive until the ticket has been printed or selected to be printed. Once order type has been selected, click Save. If location-tracked products exist on the order, you are prompted to confirm the piece reference/serial number and bin location of the specific pieces delivered/picked up.
Why is the option to complete the order unavailable?
If you are unable to complete an order, check that the following are true:
A scheduled delivery/pickup date exists on the order.
Merchandise is reserved A line-item status indicating the system was able to find and allocate inventory to the line item. to the order.
No credit holds exist for the transaction.
A delivery/pickup ticket has been printed and/or a pick list printed and a pack list processed. (Pick/pack lists are optional.)
Refer to the Order Completion Process topic for steps and further details about this process.
How do I process customer deliveries using the delivery manifest?
To process customer deliveries using delivery manifest functionality:
Confirm the scheduled delivery dates for your orders - You can enter scheduled delivery dates directly in Sales Order Entry. However, if you use the Logistical Scheduling screen to schedule delivery dates, you can enter scheduled delivery dates and times for all sales orders on a specific route for a specific delivery date.
Print a Pick List - Based on the Generate Manifest from Pick List field in the Point of Sale Control Settings, you can have the system automatically create a manifest at the time the pick list A summary document of items to be picked in a warehouse to fill one or more orders. is printed.
Print Delivery Tickets - Use the tickets as receipts and/or confirmation slips you can present to your customers during the actual delivery of the merchandise.
Print a Pack List (optional) - The pack list contains the items to place onto the delivery truck.
Build a Manifest - If you have not automatically created a delivery manifest via Print a Pick List, create one at this time.
Print a Manifest (optional) - Your delivery representatives use the printed manifest as a summary document of all deliveries on the route.
Complete the Manifest Process - The final step is to release the delivered orders and complete the delivery process.
How do I update an order once it has been added to the manifest?
First, you need to remove the order from the manifest.
Access the Build a Delivery Manifest process.
Indicate the route/truck and scheduled date of the order you want to remove and then select the order from the grid.
The Stop Detail Screen displays. Click the Remove button to remove the order from the manifest.
The confirmation question, “Are you sure?” appears. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion of the order from the manifest.
Click the Save button on the Manifest screen.
You can then access the open order in order entry and make changes to the scheduling, merchandise, and payment information.
Depending on changes made to the order, you may need to re-print the delivery ticket and/or pick list.
Once changes are complete, and a ticket and pick list re-printed (if necessary), you can add the order again to a manifest.
How do I change a sales order from a delivery to a pickup, or vice versa?
To convert a delivery sales order to a pickup sales order, or vice versa, follow these steps:
Access the open sales order via Enter a Sales Order, and click on the Merchandise tab.
Click the Actions button to access a menu of options. The two conversion options on the Actions menu are:
Convert Delivery Lines - converts delivery lines to customer pickup lines.
Convert Pickup Lines - converts a customer pickup to a delivery.
Select the applicable option from the Actions menu. The system prompts for verification of the update to the order.
You can also change the type for one line by
selecting the line from the Merchandise grid and changing the Line
Type field.
When order/lines are converted to delivery, delivery charges are added
to the order based on the Recalculate Delivery Charge setting
in Point
of Sale Control Settings. Delivery charges are automatically removed
from delivery orders/lines when converted to customer pickup orders/lines.
The ship location is the warehouse/store location from which merchandise on a sales transaction is delivered. For delivery orders, when determining a default ship-from location, the order entry processes reference the Default - Ship From Location field in the Point of Sale Control Settings. If that field is empty, order entry defaults the ship-to location based on the location associated with the zip code of the delivery address.
Only one ship-from location can be specified on a single order. See Automatic Transfers for more information.
can I establish route cutoffs for delivery scheduling?
Use the Route Capacity Control Settings routine to establish global parameters for scheduling delivery orders. For each route, you use Route Capacity Settings to establish a monthly route calendar. When establishing the route calendar, you designate specific days of the week for deliveries, as well as "cutoff" levels for the following:
number of stops (orders)
dollars (total number of orders to be delivered)
units (total number of pieces to be delivered)
product delivery volume (total delivery volume amount based on each individual product; delivery volume is set in the Miscellaneous tab of Advanced Product Settings)
How do I update the Stop Time and Route for an order?
To update the route for a single order, access the order and use the Current Route field on the Customer page. To update the stop time, click the Actions button on the Merchandise page of the order entry screen and select Additional Order Detail. From there, you can edit the Time field, along with other shipping information for the current order.
How does STORIS calculate and/or default delivery charges on sales orders?
Delivery charges can be calculated using a few different methods:
By what is manually entered in the Delivery Charges field on the Payment tab of Enter a Sales Order or Enter an Exchange;
Via Delivery Charge Settings, where you can establish default delivery charges, by zip code, for specific products, groups or categories within your inventory hierarchy;
Via Delivery Company Settings to set default delivery charge calculations according to the delivery company.
With Delivery Charge Settings, you can specify default delivery charge amounts to appear on sales orders for selected products being delivered to the selected zip codes. When entering a sales transaction, the system searches the Delivery Charge Settings files for cross references between the customer's zip code and the products on the order, using these search rules:
Search first by product.
If nothing exists by product, search by the product's Group.
If nothing exists by group, search by the product's Category.
If a delivery matrix exists in that zip code for a Group and Category to which the product is linked, the system uses the delivery charge indicated for the product's group.
Yes! Use the Run the Mapping Interface routine to download delivery information to your third-party route-mapping program and also to upload the routing data back into STORIS. Note that you must first set up the route mapping interface in STORIS before you can use this feature.
How do I process a direct-ship order?
In Enter a Sales Order, at the Type field on the Customer tab, select "M" for Direct-Ship.
On the Merchandise tab, after clicking the Add button to add a direct-ship line item to the order, the system prompts you to enter a Scheduled Delivery Date and Vendor code in the Purchase Order Linkage Detail Maintenance Screen.
Enter a date and a vendor, and click Save. If applicable, the Ship From Locations screen opens to select a ship from location for the vendor. The system then creates a direct-ship purchase order linked to the sales order. Click OK.
To view this information, select the direct-ship line item (double-click the line in the grid), click the Actions button on the Merchandise tab, and then select Direct Ship Details from the Actions menu.
To indicate that this order line item has been shipped to the customer, go to the Payment tab within the sales order and use the Completion Type drop down menu to select Direct Ship. Next, click the Save button to complete the order.
For direct-ship items, to edit the Delivery Charge field in
Enter a Sales Order, the DELIVERY
CHARGES - Apply to Direct Shipments field must be active in
the Logistics tab of Point
of Sale Control Settings.
You cannot complete direct-ship orders that contain a linked PO on
hold. For split-ticket orders containing direct-ship items, you cannot
complete the direct-ship items if any one of them contains a linked
PO on hold.
To automatically create an AP bill once the direct-ship portion of
the sale is complete, complete the Automatic Creation of AP Bills
section on the General tab of Payables
Control Settings.
Products can be set to be direct ship via the Direct
Ship section of the Miscellaneous tab of Advanced
Product Settings. See the Direct
Ship field in this topic for further information.
Can I assign multiple delivery dates to a single order?
Yes. In order to assign multiple delivery dates to a single order, you must first enable the proper settings in the Logistics tab of Point of Sale Control Settings:
"DELIVERY DATES - Allow multiple on order" allows you to assign more than one delivery date to a single order
"DELIVERY DATES - Allow multiple on order line" allows you to assign more than one delivery date to an order line item
Once the appropriate settings are enabled, use the Delivery Date field in the Merchandise tab to assign the delivery dates. Please see Multiple Delivery Date Overview for further detail.
Which report shows open line items ready for delivery?
Use the Report Open Sales Order Detail routine and select a delivery type of either SCH (scheduled) or EST (estimated) at the Delivery Status field.
How can a customer pick up a portion of his order now and pick up the
rest at a later date?
Use the Complete a Pickup without Accessing Order Entry routine. The order must be an open Customer Pickup sales order for which a pickup ticket has been printed. Perform the following steps.
Access the order in the Complete a Pickup without Accessing Order Entry routine.
Select the item in the grid that the customer wants to pick up.
Enter into the Quantity Pickup Field the quantity the customer wants to pick up.
Click on Save to complete the selected portion of the order.
How can I prevent the printing of delivery tickets for orders with a balance
STORIS prevents processing on any order with a credit hold attached. If you leave the box blank at the Allow Order Balance field in the Point of Sale Control Settings, the system applies a D2 credit hold to the order, and removes the credit hold only when the customer pays the order in full.
Use Create a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security to determine who has access to the ticket print fields in Enter a Sales Order. Within Logistics Security, the settings Print a delivery ticket within POS entry and Print a customer pickup ticket within POS entry determine if the user is permitted to print a ticket from within order entry. Printing can only proceed if a user with this security enabled (box is checked) enters their initials and password in the Access Control window.
How can I prevent certain users from adding service orders to delivery
Use Create a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security to determine who is permitted to add service orders to delivery routes. Within Logistics Security, the setting Schedule deliveries and service orders for the same route determines if the user is permitted to add a service order to a delivery route. This ability is enabled if the box is checked. To not allow a user to add a service order to a delivery route, do not check this box.
Why does an auto-transfer remain open after the sale has been voided?
In this situation, STORIS deletes the auto-transfer automatically only if a ticket has not yet been printed. If a ticket has been printed, then when you void the sale, a warning message appears advising you that the transfer has not been updated. At this point, you can manually delete the transfer from the Transfer Entry process.
We deleted a delivery order, but it still appears on today's delivery
route. Why?
When you delete the order, the order remains in the order record on the system until the Generate Daily Reports (End of Day) processing is run. During EOD the deleted order is moved from the order record to the voided order record and you should no longer see it listed for delivery.