Credits and Refunds FAQs

This topic contains a list of questions frequently asked by STORIS users about credits and refunds. If you click on a question, the answer appears. Please note that more than one solution may exist for a given situation. Read the answers completely to determine which method best suits your company's needs.

Point of Sale Sub-Categories: Credit Holds, Credits and Refunds, Deliveries and Logistics, Gift Cards and Certificates, Sales Order Processing, Payment Processing, Returns and Exchanges, Salesperson, Tax, Warranty

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How do I issue a customer refund?

How do I refund/apply a customer credit against a completed order?

How do I refund a dollar amount on a completed order?

How do I refund a delivery charge and/or sales tax from a completed order?

How do I refund a customer with a credit on account?

How do I refund or remove a customer deposit on an open sales order?

How do I transfer a payment or existing customer credit from a sales order to another open sales order?

How do I apply on-account money to a sales order?

How do I refund a customer deposit on a deleted sales order?

How do I move deposit money from a deleted order to a new order?

A refund issued today on a pickup order appears on Report Daily Receipts Register but not on Report Cash Drawer Balancing Totals. Why?

We often charge a design fee and then refund the fee if the customer makes a purchase.  How can we handle this?

When I issued a credit card refund, why didn't the system prompt to print a receipt?

How is third party financing affected if an original order is an exchange or return?