Report Cash Drawer Balancing Totals


This report lists all monies received at a cash entry terminal for a selected day. The report formats by either standard cash balancing or extended cash balancing, based on the Extended Cash Balancing Report field in the Cash Balancing Control Settings. Once the report criteria have been selected, click Run to produce the report.

If you choose to balance by store, the report displays totals for each store as well as a grand total. The report also displays the breakout and totals for payment type.

The Cash Drawer Balancing Totals report lists daily receipts for individual cash drawers. To list details of all receipts for a day, use the Report Daily Receipts Register.

Since credit card refunds on customer returns are often not associated with a cash drawer entry, they do not appear on the Cash Drawer Balancing Totals report.  In addition, STORIS does not post credit card refunds on customer returns to Cash Balancing at the time of entry except if the order is a customer drop-off.  For other customer returns, STORIS assumes a lag period will occur between the time the return is entered into the system and when the merchandise is actually returned and the customer return completed.  Therefore, since the transaction does not post until the customer return is completed, the transaction would often not appear on a daily cash balancing report on the day the customer return was entered into the system, anyway.

Totals for check payments that were electronically processed and converted (EC) are separate from totals for non-EC check payments.  

 For back-dated payments, STORIS posts to the cash drawer based on system date and not the back date. For example, if you enter a payment on 7/12 and back-date it to 7/10, the payment lists on the Cash Balancing report for 7/12. In this way, STORIS prevents you from writing payments to a cash drawer that has been closed or balanced.  However, the payment shows on 7/10 for both the customer account the GL account. To list both the system date and the transaction date for selected payments, use the Report Daily Receipts Register routine.  

The output of this report may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions. That is, you can inquire only about customers and locations to which you have access.

Date Code

Balance Date

Starting Time

Ending Time

Balance By





Balanced Drawer Reference

Unbalanced Drawer Reference

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