Payment Processing FAQs

This topic contains a list of questions frequently asked by STORIS users about payment processing. If you click on a question, the answer appears. Please note that more than one solution may exist for a given situation. Read the answers completely to determine which method best suits your company's needs.


Point of Sale Sub-Categories: Credit Holds, Credits and Refunds, Deliveries and Logistics, Gift Cards and Certificates, Sales Order Processing, Payment Processing, Returns and Exchanges, Salesperson, Tax, Warranty

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How do I activate the Cash Drawer feature on my system?

What is the difference between Daily Cash Balancing and Daily Cash Receipts?

How do I close a suspended cash drawer?

 My totals are off in Balance Approval by Manager. How do I determine what adjustments need to be made?

A cashier entered the wrong dollar amount on a sales order and saved the order. How can I fix it?

The credit card payment that we processed electronically shows in STORIS, but the credit card provider does not have a record of it. How do we correct this?

How do I apply payments to open and/or completed orders outside of Sales Order Entry?

How can I enter a payment for an order already on a manifest?