Enter a Credit Card Payment Update
Use this routine to adjust customers’ credit card accounts only. Note that this routine does not post directly to orders or deposits.
Customer CodeEnter the code of the customer for whom you are entering this credit card adjustment. If you click on the Search button, you access the Search for a Customer (Customer Code Lookup) screen, from which you can select a customer code.
Credit Card TypeEnter the code of the credit card type to use for this transaction. If you click on the Search button, a list of valid credit card types appears.
Card Account NumberEnter the credit card account number for this adjustment. The system verifies the entry is in the correct format for the credit card type.
CID Number
Authorization CodeEnter the authorization code.
Valid ThruEnter the month and year through which the selected credit card is valid. Enter 2 digits for the month and 2 digits for the year. If you click on the Arrow next to the respective fields, a list of valid responses appears from which you can choose.
Transaction AmountEnter the dollar amount you want to charge or credit to the credit card account.
Order Reference NumberEnter the order reference number for this transaction. If you click on the Search button, the View a Customer's Open Transactions (Open Order by Customer) screen appears from which you can select an order reference number.
Store LocationEnter the code of the location you want to associate with this adjustment. If the order reference number you enter above references an order that exists in the system, the store location defaults from the order.
Print ReceiptTo print a receipt, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
When you complete all fields, select Save to begin the electronic authorization process. The Authorization Display Screen appears, displaying the following:
If the electronic authorization fails to complete, select one of the following in the Response Action field:
M - Manual Authorization - manually enter an authorization number (obtained from the credit service)
R - Retry Authorization - retry the electronic authorization process
D - Decline Payment - void the adjustment