Print Pack List
Use pack lists to specify the items to pack on
the truck for a selected route. Run the pack list after the pick list and during the delivery loading
document (number)
serial number
storage location
routine affects no processing, and is for reporting purposes only.
STORIS provides standard forms for printed pack lists. At this time,
the Forms Designer does not include a form for pack lists.
Deliveries or Transfers
Deliver From
LocationEnter the code of the location
for which to print a pack list. The default location from the log-in
screen appears, if any. You can override the default response.
If you click on the Arrow button, a list of locations available to you
appears from which you can choose. Note
that here and at any other Location field, the locations you see (that
is, the list of locations available to you) may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Date CodeClick on the Arrow button
to view a list of date
codes, then select the code that best indicates the time period on
which to base your report.
Scheduled Delivery DateEnter
the scheduled delivery date for orders you want to include on the pack
list. Today's date defaults. To edit this field, you must
select CUS at the Date code field. If you select CUS, the field
activates and you can enter a date or click the Calendar
Icon and select a date from the pop-up window.
Route Code
Truck Number
Print Shipping InstructionsIf you
check the box at this field, the packing list includes the two lines of
delivery instructions you entered during order creation.
Number of Note LinesEnter
the number of blank lines (0-9) you want to print on the packing list.
These lines print below the instructions for each order on the packing
list. You can use these lines, for example, for hand-written notes during
delivery of merchandise.
Sort by ProductThis field
is only applicable to Transfers. To sort and print the packing list
by product, check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Include Second Description
Include Special Order Information
The additional information, when requested and existing for the product,
prints after the current detail line containing the first description.
It prints in the following order: 1) second description, 2) configurator
information, and 3) special order information. The second description
is printed underneath the first description in the same column. This order
applies to the Pick List and Pack List.
Send Output toThe output
destination of the report displays. To change the output destination,
click on the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.

Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run
to produce the pack list.