User Print Settings
Use this routine to edit the default printer output
settings for the log-on user. The default settings derive from the Output
tab in the user's Create a User
record. This screen appears when the user checks the Update
Print Settings box on the User Log In
Screen. The ability of the user to edit this screen depends on the
access options established in Create a User:
the Warehouse/Store Location
field on the Access tab is set up for multiple locations,
the Printer Admin Level field
on the Security tab is set to Change
only within Zone or Can make
Any Changes,
a check appears at the Update Print Settings field on the
User Log In screen.
If all of these are true, the user can also access this screen by clicking
on the Refresh button on the STORIS Main Screen.
If you have Regional
Processing active and your printer is set to Local PC Settings (via
the Document Destination field), you cannot run the EOM
Document Destination
Hold Status
Suppress Status
Number of Copies Enter
the number of copies you want to print for each print job. Although this
is usually set to 1, you can enter
a number from 1 to 999.
Form Number The default
response from the User (Staff) file appears. If you click on the Search button, you access the Printer
Form Number lookup screen, from which you can select the STORIS Form Number
(from Form Settings [Form File])
you want to use as the default print form for this user.
Printer Zone The Default
Printer Zone (if any) from the User (Staff) file appears. If using
Printer Zone Settings, enter
the name of the zone you want to assign to this employee for printing.
If you click on the Search button,
you access the Printer Zone lookup screen, from which you can select a
different printer zone. If not using Printer Zones, leave this field blank.
Printer Override The Default
Logical Printer from the User (Staff) file appears. If you click on the
Search button, you access the
Printer Route Override lookup screen, from which you can select a different
To save your changes and proceed to the Main Menu,
click on Save. To abandon the
log-on process, click on Exit.