Enter a Transfer (As-Is, Floor Sample, Stock)
General, Merchandise
This topic documents the following transfer-entry
The above programs are identical to the Enter
a Transfer routine, except that the Type field is inactive. That
is, when you select one of the above routines from a menu and create a
new transfer, the program determines the transfer type based on your menu
selection and you cannot edit the Type field.
Entering Transfers
Use this program to transfer regular, as-is,
or floor sample inventory between stores and/or warehouses. You can also
use this process to maintain automatic
transfers created during sales
order processing.
If creating an as-is transfer, you must select a specific as-is piece
to transfer. The piece you select must already exist in as-is inventory.
If creating a floor sample transfer, select the product you want to move
from regular inventory to As-Is floor
sample status. Note that for cycle count purposes, we recommend
you re-print labels for items moved to or from As-Is inventory.
Transfer Number
Total VolumeThe total
volume of the order displays.
If you need to make corrections or quantity adjustments to this transfer,
make them BEFORE selecting the Complete Transfer option. Once the transfer
completes, the system closes the transfer, moves it to history, and you
can no longer access it using this process.
If the Store to Store Transfers field in the (Sales Order ACF) is enabled, you can create transfers
to and from store locations. If that option is not enabled, the system
prevents you from entering store locations in both the To and From locations
on transfers.
To enter comments, click the Actions
button at the bottom of the screen and select Sales
Order Audit Text. After you select this option, the (Sales Order Comments) screen
displays. Also available from the Actions
menu is the Additional
Comments option, which provides access to the User Text Entry
window where you can enter additional text comments.
the date of the transfer transaction. Today's date defaults, but you can
enter another date. You cannot enter a future date.
Reason CodeEnter
the code of the reason why you are transferring pieces. This field
is active only if the transfer type is set to Move to As-Is at the Type
field. If a reason code exists at the As-Is Transfer Reason field
in the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings, that code defaults here and you cannot edit it.
Complete Transfer
Print Transfer Ticket
the location code of the store or warehouse from which the merchandise
is being transferred. If you click on the Arrow, you can choose a location
from the menu that appears. Note that the locations available to you may
be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
the location code of the store or warehouse to which you want to transfer
merchandise. You can also use this field to distribute
merchandise to multiple locations. If you click on the action button
at this field, the List
Entry screen appears, from which you can select multiple locations
for the distributed transfer.
At this and any other Location field, the locations
you see (that is, the list of locations available to you) may be affected
by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Distribute QuantitiesWhen you
check this box, the Transfer
Distribution Quantity screen appears.
This field is used in One-Time-Buy
Processing to create distributed-quantity
transfers. For this field to be active for this transaction, you must
specify multiple transfer-to locations and they must all be stores (that
is, no warehouses). If you check this box, the system distributes the
transfer in quantities based on the sales histories of the transfer-to
stores. The system calculates the statistics during the End-of Month process,
going back 12 months.
For each line item, the system examines all products in the product group
of the specified line item and calculates the number of those products
sold at each of the specified transfer-to locations. The system then creates
distribution quantities based on the sales figures. For example, if in
the past 12 months, for all the products in Product Group A, Store 1 sold
70% of the total, Store 2 sold 20% of the total, and Store 3 sold 10%,
the system would distribute the line item using the same percentages.
Delivery Information
the date that the transfer will actually take place. Today's date defaults,
but another date may be entered. A future date may be entered here.
RouteIf you
leave the Route Code field blank, the system will assign the applicable
route that is indicated in either the Warehouse Location or Zip Code file
. If no route defaults are established in the Warehouse Location or Zip
Code files, you may either enter the Route Code for this transfer or leave
the field blank. Click the Search
button at this field to select from a list of transfer route codes.
InstructionsUse this
field to enter any special instructions for the transfer. The instructions
print on the transfer document and the pack list. The Report
Transfers by Location also includes an option to include the instructions
you enter here.

If you enter a hard kit,
the grid displays the hard-kit master as well as the individual components.
BrandThe Brand
name for the selected Product will display.
Serial/Reference NumberDepending
on serial tracking settings, this field may or may not be available. If
creating an As-Is transfer, this field must be filled in. Select the specific
As-Is piece that is to be transferred.
Quantity to Transfer
AvailableThe quantity Ordered to be
transferred that is available at the From Location will be displayed.
Scheduled QuantityThis is the quantity of the
product to be scheduled for transfer. If a quantity less than the Ordered
quantity is entered here, the balance of the quantity is placed on Hold
status. Items placed on hold are reserved for the transfer order, but
do not print on the transfer ticket. When the transfer is completed, the
items not on hold are moved. The transfer order remains open; the hold
status is eliminated and the pieces that were on hold can then be scheduled
for transfer.
LocationThe From Location (product
will be transferred from this location) will display here.
Line TypeThe type
of transfer (Stock, As-Is, Floor Sample, Auto Transfer) being created
will display.
Purchase Order NumberThe number
of the purchase order appears.