Transfer Distribution Quantity Screen
For distributed-quantity transfers of one-time-buy products, use this screen to specify whether to distribute
all available quantity of a selected one-time-buy product at the specified "From" location, or
the received line items on a selected purchase order containing one-time-buy products.
Quantity to Distribute
Total AvailableSelect this option to distribute some or all of a one-time-buy product's "quantity available for transfer at the transfer-from location". When you specify a product on the Merchandise tab, the system displays the quantity available in the Distribution Quantity field. You can edit this field as well as the Quantity to Transfer field.
Received on Purchase OrderSelect this option to distribute some or all of the received items on a selected one-time-buy purchase order. The system creates a transfer line for each product for which items were received into inventory.
When you select this option, you activate the Purchase Order field below.
Purchase Order