Customer Settings
of Sale
Use this file to maintain information about your
retail customers. STORIS strongly advises you create a customer record
for each of your permanent, repeat business retail/wholesale customers.
By creating your customers through this program, you can assign a customer
number to each individual customer and thus track them throughout the
caution when assigning customer numbers. New customers created on-the-fly
during sales order entry are automatically assigned the sales ticket number
as their customer number. For this reason, when you initially design your
customer records, do not use numbers that may equal your future sales
ticket numbers. To determine the sales order numbering sequence that best
suits your needs, contact your STORIS representative.
can use the Regional Processing feature
to restrict user access to customer records.
The Receivables and Advanced tabs are not accessible via this routine.
To access those tabs, use the Advanced
Customer Settings. You can also view the tabs via the View Advanced Customer Settings routine.
To create new customers via this routine, you must have access via the
Advanced Customer Settings; Create new customer field on the Extended Security (Receivables) routine.
Customer CodeUse this field to enter the
customer code of a new customer or an existing one. If creating a new
customer, enter a unique code to identify this customer. To locate an
existing customer, click on the Search button to access the Search
for a Customer screen via which you can select a customer.
Full NameThe customer's
full name (first name, middle initial, last name) or the customer's company
contact displays here.
Check the box at this field
to indicate that this customer is a company, not an individual. The field
is used to enhance your ability to search for a company by its name. When
you check the box, the Prefix, First Name, Middle, and Suffix become inactive;
the Last Name field becomes the Business Name field, and the Business
Contact field becomes active. BusinessCheck
the box at this field to indicate that this customer is a company, not
an individual. The field is used to enhance your ability to search for
a company by its name. When you check the box, the Prefix, First Name,
Middle, and Suffix become inactive; the Last Name field becomes the Business
Name field, and the Business Contact field becomes active.
Business Contact If a check
appears at the Business field (that is, if this is a business customer),
enter the name of the main contact for the business. If a check does not
appear at the Business field, this field is inactive.
PrefixEnter the appropriate prefix
for this customer (e.g. Dr., Ms., Mr., etc.). The activation of this field
is controlled by the Point of Sale Control Settings (Sales
Order ACF), Customer Name Prompts.
First NameThis field
is used for the customer’s first name.
MiddleThis field is used for the
customer’s middle name or initial. The activation of this field is controlled
by the Point of Sale Control Settings (Sales Order ACF),
Customer Name Prompts.
Last NameThis field
is used for the customer's last name or, if a check appears at the Business
field, the label for the field changes to Business Name and is used to
enter the company name.
Business NameIf the
Business field is checked (active), the Last Name field label is renamed
to Business Name and is used to enter the company name.
SuffixEnter the appropriate degrees,
numerals, or professional status. The activation of this field is controlled
by the Point of Sale Control Settings (Sales Order ACF),
Customer Name Prompts.
Address 1Enter
the first line of this customer's address.
Address 2Enter
the second line of this customer's address, if necessary. This field is
to be used for P.O. Box, Floor #, Dept., etc., not city, state and zip
Zip Code
CityThis field will default to
the city referenced by the Zip Code record entered in the Zip Code field.
You may override this if the default and this customer's city differ.
Home Phone
Work PhoneEnter
this customer's work telephone number, including area code.
Work ExtensionEnter
this customer's telephone extension for their work phone number.
Cell PhoneEnter
this customer’s cellular phone number, including area code.
Primary Email Address
You can use the text box
at this field to list additional email addresses. Up to 99 lines, 50 characters
each can be entered. Multiple email addresses are entered one per line
and must be in the proper email format ( This field is
not used by any STORIS process; it is for informational purposes only.Additional Email AddressYou can
use the text box at this field to list additional email addresses. Up
to 99 lines, 50 characters each can be entered. Multiple email addresses
are entered one per line and must be in the proper email format (
This field is not used by any STORIS process; it is for informational
purposes only.
Charge Sales TaxTo charge sales tax to this
customer, check the box. If you leave this field blank, your company
may want to enter this customer's sales tax number in the Tax Exempt
ID Number field.
Charge National Sales TaxTo charge
sales tax to orders for this customer, check the box. To exempt
the customer from national sales tax, leave the box blank.
The field is active only if the National Tax feature is active on your
system. The field defaults to "checked".
TaxThis optional field is for
sales tax exempt customers. If this customer is tax exempt, it may be
important for your company to enter the sales tax number assigned by the
state to this customer. ExemptUse this
field to enter the tax-exempt ID number (if any) for the selected customer.
That is, you may want to record the sales tax number assigned by
the state to this customer. ID NumberThis optional
field is for sales tax exempt customers. If this customer is tax exempt,
it may be important for your company to enter the sales tax number assigned
by the state to this customer.
Alternate Tax IDThis field is used with the
Alternate Tax Interface to Vertex. It displays the 10-digit code assigned
to the taxing area based on the customer's address and zip code. Vertex
references this number when determining which tax jurisdictions to use
when calculating taxes.
If you do NOT want the system to calculate sales tax on this customer's
sales orders, do NOT select the Charge Sales Tax field in this record.
After you specify a customer number, a paper
clip icon appears on the button bar next to the Help button. If
this icon is active (that is, bold-faced) on a tab, it indicates a file
attachment exists for the selected tab or for an item in the order
related to the selected tab (for example, a customer or product). If the
icon is dimmed, no attachments exist for selected tab.

Point of
Store Assignment
Delivery InstructionsEnter
any special instructions for goods you deliver to this customer. The text
you enter here defaults into the Instructions field on sales and service
orders for this customer.
Extended Delivery InstructionsEnter
additional special instructions to be followed when delivering goods to
this customer.
Account CommentsUse this
field to enter account comments on the credit history of the selected
customer, including any remarks you want your employees to consider when
working with the customer's account. The comments you enter here
appear in various routines and inquiries throughout the system, for example
the Collector
Review - Customer Update Screen.
Pricing and Commissions
Price CategoryEnter
the code of the price category you want to use for the selected product
when creating price matrices in the Customer
Price Settings.
The Sales Order Entry process references this field in conjunction with
the Price Category field in the Product file record to access the Price
Matrix file. Use of the Price Matrix file allows for different pricing
of this product for each customer.
Commission CategoryIf using
Matrix as your commission calculation method (see the Calculation Method
field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings), the system uses this field in conjunction
with the Commission Category field in the Product record to access a Commission
Matrix file record for commission calculation. The default for this field
is Z.
Commission PercentIf using
Matrix as your commission calculation method (see the Calculation Method
field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings, and commissions are based on the customer,
use this field to enter the percentage you want to use to calculate commissions
when the Commission Source field in the Commission Matrix record is set
to Customer.
Salesperson 1Enter
the code of the salesperson (if any) you
want to associate with this customer. If you click on the Search
button, a list of salesperson appears from which you can choose.
The salesperson you select defaults into the Salesperson field for orders
entered for this customer, provided the box is not checked at the Do Not
Default Salesperson field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings.
Salesperson 1 PercentIf you
entered a salesperson code in the Salesperson 1 field, enter the portion
of the earned commission you want the salesperson to receive from orders
for this customer. Enter a number with up to two decimal places. If you
do not assign a second salesperson to this customer, enter 100. If
you assign a second salesperson to this customer, the total percentage
for both salespersons must equal 100.
The commission percent indicated here defaults during order entry,
but can be edited via the Multiple
Salesperson Commission Screen.
Salesperson 2Enter
the code of the second salesperson (if any)
you want to associate with this customer. If you click on the Search
button, a list of salesperson appears from which you can choose.
The salespersons you select default into the Salesperson field for orders
entered for this customer, provided the box is not checked at the Do Not
Default Salesperson field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings.
Salesperson 2 PercentIf you
entered a salesperson code in the Salesperson 2 field, enter the portion
of the earned commission you want this salesperson to receive from orders
for this customer. Enter a number with up to two decimal places. If you
assign a second salesperson to this customer, the total percentage for
both salespersons must equal 100.
The commission percent indicated here defaults during order entry,
but can be edited via the Multiple
Salesperson Commission Screen.