Customer Settings


Tabs:  General, Point of Sale

Use this file to maintain information about your retail customers. STORIS strongly advises you create a customer record for each of your permanent, repeat business retail/wholesale customers. By creating your customers through this program, you can assign a customer number to each individual customer and thus track them throughout the system.

Use caution when assigning customer numbers. New customers created on-the-fly during sales order entry are automatically assigned the sales ticket number as their customer number. For this reason, when you initially design your customer records, do not use numbers that may equal your future sales ticket numbers. To determine the sales order numbering sequence that best suits your needs, contact your STORIS representative.

You can use the Regional Processing feature to restrict user access to customer records.

The Receivables and Advanced tabs are not accessible via this routine.  To access those tabs, use the Advanced Customer Settings.  You can also view the tabs via the View Advanced Customer Settings routine.

To create new customers via this routine, you must have access via the Advanced Customer Settings; Create new customer field on the Extended Security (Receivables) routine.

Customer Code

Full Name



Business Contact  


First Name


Last Name

Business Name


Address 1

Address 2

Zip Code  



Home Phone

Work Phone

Work Extension

Cell Phone

Primary Email Address

Additional Email Address

Charge Sales Tax

Charge National Sales Tax

Tax Exempt ID Number

Alternate Tax ID

If you do NOT want the system to calculate sales tax on this customer's sales orders, do NOT select the Charge Sales Tax field in this record.

After you specify a customer number, a paper clip icon appears on the button bar next to the Help button. If this icon is active (that is, bold-faced) on a tab, it indicates a file attachment exists for the selected tab or for an item in the order related to the selected tab (for example, a customer or product). If the icon is dimmed, no attachments exist for selected tab.

Point of Sale

Store Assignment

Delivery Instructions

Extended Delivery Instructions

Account Comments

Pricing and Commissions

Price Category

Commission Category

Commission Percent

Salesperson 1

Salesperson 1 Percent

Salesperson 2

Salesperson 2 Percent