System and Security FAQs

This topic contains a list of questions frequently asked by STORIS users about system and security. If you click on a question, the answer appears. Please note that more than one solution may exist for a given situation. Read the answers completely to determine which method best suits your company's needs.

System and Security Sub-Categories: Day/Month End Processing, System and Security

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How do I add users to STORIS Messenger?

How are STORIS licenses allocated?

Which login password do I use for the User Authentication Window prompt?

How often should I perform a system backup (file save)?

How do I track user activity on the system, for example, edits to sales orders or to settings routines such as the Product File?

What should I do if power was lost during order entry?

How can I "deactivate" a former employee's User record without actually deleting the record from STORIS?

Can I change the Message of the Day text that appears on the STORIS Main Menu screen?

Can I change the graphic image that appears on the STORIS Main Menu screen?

Can I edit the Dynamic Escape (DES) menus that appear when I right-click on certain screens in STORIS, for example Sales Order Entry?

What are Dynamic Tab Select (DTS) screens?

How do I set screen time-outs in STORIS?