Use this routine to maintain the log-on greeting that appears on the Main Menu screen. Your greeting is a message your employees see when they log-on to this STORIS account. For example, your greeting can include special sales event announcements or instructions to staff. The Welcome: User line appears at the top of the message area. You cannot edit or delete this line.
You my enter as much text as you want. However, depending on the size of the screen your users are viewing, a scroll-bar may be used to view the entire message.
You can also insert your own company banner, menu background image and
company logo image on the Main Menu Screen using the Upload
Company Images feature.
To edit the system greeting message, select the Create System Greeting Message menu item. A screen similar to the following appears:
Enter your greeting in the space provided. The Format tool bar provides formatting options familiar to users of Windows® applications.
Using the Format tools you can:
Change the font type, size, and color
Cut, copy and paste text
Apply bold, italics, and underline to text
Add bullets or numbering to lists
Align text left, center, right, justified
Automatically check spelling
Click Add Link to add hyperlinks to external files and web sites
Use the arrow buttons at the top of the tool bar to expand the editing window and hide the tool bar.
When you are finished editing, click the Save button. You must restart
your session (log off and on again) to see your changes.