Accounting > Revolving Receivables > View All Revolving Activity for a Customer
Accounting > Revolving Receivables > Revolving Views and Reports > Revolving Views > View All Revolving Activity for a Customer
Use this routine to view a customer's revolving plan activity for active and pending plans, create a sales order, enter a customer payment, and view customer credit comments. You can also access View All Revolving Receivable Activity for a Customer from within this routine.
the code of the customer whose revolving activity you want to view. You
can click the Search button to access the Search
for a Customer routine.
Once you indicate the customer code, the customer's name, and home, work, and cell phone numbers are displayed from Customer Settings.
Co-applicant/Co-signerIf there
is an additional applicant on this customer's credit application, the
appropriate field label (Co-applicant or Co-signer) displays, along with
the co-applicant or co-signer's name. If there is no additional applicant,
no field label displays here.
The date of the most recently submitted credit application for this customer is displayed.
The date of the most recent credit report for this customer is displayed. If a new credit report is required, this field displays the word "Expired" and the expiration date of the report. (The credit report expiration date is determined using the "For ___ Days Report is Valid" field in your Credit Application Control Settings.)
Collector AssignedIf you have the A/R
Collections Processing module active and this customer is in collections,
the user ID for the collector assigned to this account is displayed.
Customer StoreThe
store assigned to the customer is displayed.
Due DayThe customer's due day
(1-28) displays, based on customer,
and control
settings. For information on how the due day is determined, see the
Due Day field in Advanced
Customer Settings.
Click this button to access the Enter a Sales Order screen and create a new order for this revolving customer. This button is only active if your user/user group setting View All Revolving Activity - Enter a Sales Order is enabled.
Once you have entered and saved (or voided) the order, the system returns to the View All Revolving Activity for a Customer screen. The Balances displayed are updated to reflect pending financing (if the order is being financed) or potential receivables (if the order was not paid in full).
Click this button to access the Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate process where you can post a customer payment for this revolving customer. This button is active only if your user/user group setting View All Revolving Activity - Take a Payment is enabled.
When you access the Enter a Customer Payment process using the Take a Payment button, the Process Receivables tab is automatically activated. Once you post the payment and update the customer's receivables, the system returns to the View All Revolving Activity screen, where the payment you posted is reflected in the balances and totals.
Click the Payment Activity button to access the View a Customer's Payment Activity screen.
Click this button to access the Request Credit Information screen and create a new credit request for this revolving customer. This button is only active if your user/user group setting View All Revolving Activity - Request Credit Information is enabled.
Once you have entered (or voided) the request, the system returns to the View All Revolving Activity for a Customer screen.
Click this button to access the Credit Request Review screen and create a new credit request for this revolving customer. This button is available if there is a pending credit request for the customer. Availability is also based on the following Receivables Security settings.
The View All Revolving Activity - Request Credit Review must be enabled.
And one or both of the following must be enabled.
Access employee credit applications and score reporting
Access other credit applications and score reporting
Once you have reviewed the customer's pending credit request, the system returns to the View All Revolving Activity for a Customer screen.
If Account Comments were entered for this customer via the Point of Sale tab in Customer Settings, the Comments button is active. When you click the Comments button, you access the read-only Customer Credit Comments window.
Active PlansThis
area displays the plan
codes for all revolving plans that are currently active for this customer.
Credit Limit $The
customer's credit limit, if any, displays in this field. If no limit was
set, OPEN displays here.
Receivables $The
customer's A/R balance is displayed.
Potential Receivables $The
total open order balance due for this customer is displayed.
Available Credit $The
amount of credit currently available to this customer displays.
Prepay Amount $The
total of any prepaid MMP amounts entered via Enter
a Customer Payment displays here.
The amount financed (if any) with revolving plans that are still pending (not activated) displays here.
TotalsA total line is displayed
below the grid that includes totals for the Past Due, Current, Long Term,
and Standard MMP columns.
The Revolving Plans/Open Item grid displays pending and active revolving plans. Included is the following information.
Plan - revolving plan code
Past Due - amount of past due revolving payments
Current - revolving payment amount currently due
Long Term - long term revolving receivables amount
Standard MMP - calculated monthly payment amount
Charge Off - displays the charge off balance (if any) for any of the customer’s revolving plans
In Dispute - indicates if entire plan is in dispute (Yes), plan is not in dispute (No), or specific orders/transactions are in dispute (Partial)
The last line in the grid displays Open Item in the Plan column and is used to provide the past due and current open item amounts.
To access the View All Receivable Activity for a Customer routine, double-click a line in the grid.
When you right-click anywhere in the header area of the screen, the following menu displays.
Add Escapes to Current Screen - You can add user-defined "dynamic" escapes to this and any other right-click menu using the Dynamic Escape Settings.
Assign Screen Action Permissions - Use this option to restrict user access to specific functions found on Actions button menus.
View Advanced Customer Settings - View a read-only version of customer settings.
View Warehouse/Store Settings - View a read-only version of warehouse/store location settings, including the User Defined Settings page.
View Qualified Revolving Plans - Use this option to view a read-only list of all revolving payment plans that the customer qualifies for, based on the plan restrictions defined in the Revolving Payment Plan Settings. These restrictions include location, as well as minimum and maximum credit score restrictions, as established in Revolving Payment Plan Settings.