Customer > Point of Sale > POS Views and Reports > View Shopping Cart
Customer > Point of Sale > POS Views and Reports > POS Views > View Shopping Cart
Use this routine to view a "shopping cart," which is a list of merchandise the customer is interested in purchasing; shopping carts can later be converted into sales orders.
This is a read-only version of
the Enter
a Shopping Cart routine. The fields shown are the same in both the
entry and inquiry versions of the screen. However, you cannot edit any
data on this screen.
Creating a new shopping cart:
Depending on whether your system is set to auto-assign transactions (Next Transaction Number in Point of Sale Control Settings), you can either enter the cart number to be assigned by pressing Enter or click the Plus button to automatically assign the next sequential number.
Edit or view existing shopping cart:
To recall an existing cart ID, enter the number directly or click on the Search button to access the following menu of screens you can use to aid your search:
If the Automated & Manual POS Numbers feature is active in the
Warehouse/Store Location Settings you have the option of manually
assigning an order number or letting the system automatically generate
a number for you.
Enter the code for the salesperson issuing this shopping cart. Click the Search button to access the Read-Only Lookup Window from which you can select a salesperson code.
This field is mandatory in order to save the cart.
This dynamic, display-only field displays the date merchandise can be delivered to the customer. This applies to both delivery and direct ship lines. This field displays when ATP is active and delivery lines exist in the cart; otherwise, this field is hidden.
The logic of this field is that of the current Available to Customer; currently, this field name is unique to Enter a Shopping Cart. See Available to Promise (ATP) Date Overview for more information.
This date displays by default if the Default display of ATC date in Point of Sale setting in Point of Sale Control Settings is checked. The date defaults to the current date if all line items are reserved in full. If any of the line items are not reserved in full, the next projected date of availability displays. This date is based on merchandise availability and delivery route capacities.
To skip the calculation of the ATP
date, do NOT check any of the following ATP Calculation settings in
your Point of Sale Control Settings:
Include New Purchase Orders, Include Stock Transfers, Include Unlinked
Purchase Orders. If you are not set up to calculate the ATP date via
these settings, the following information is not shown on this screen.
-The Available
to Promise Date and Available to Customer Date fields (above)
- neither the labels nor data are displayed.
-The ATP Date in the grid - this column is not included
in the grid.
-The option called Toggle Display of ATP/ATC Dates
is not listed on the Actions menu.
This dynamic, display-only field displays the date merchandise is available at a store or stock location so that customer can expect to pickup their merchandise. This field displays when ATP is active and pickup lines exist in the cart; otherwise, this field is hidden.
The logic of this field is that of the current Available to Promise; currently, this field name is unique to Enter a Shopping Cart. See Available to Promise (ATP) Date Overview for more information.
This date displays by default if the Default display of ATC date in Point of Sale setting in Point of Sale Control Settings is checked. The date defaults to the current date if all line items are reserved in full. If any of the line items are not reserved in full, the next projected date of availability displays. This date is based on merchandise availability and Purchase Lead Days.
To skip the calculation of the ATP
date, do NOT check any of the following ATP Calculation settings in
your Point of Sale Control Settings:
Include New Purchase Orders, Include Stock Transfers, Include Unlinked
Purchase Orders. If you are not set up to calculate the ATP date via
these settings, the following information is not shown on this screen.
-The Available
to Promise Date and Available to Customer Date fields (above)
- neither the labels nor data are displayed.
-The ATP Date in the grid - this column is not included
in the grid.
-The option called Toggle Display of ATP/ATC Dates
is not listed on the Actions menu.
Enter the code of the product you want to add to the shopping cart. If you click on the Search button, you access the Search for a Product window from which you can make one or more selections.
Once you indicate the product, the description of the selected product appears.
If the camera icon is active, click to open a new window with the product's associated image. If the icon is not active, no image is associated with the product.
A product's settings in the Direct Ship section of Advanced
Product Settings as well as the Direct Shipments section of Point of Sale Control Settings affect
this field.
BrandThe brand of the selected
product appears. You cannot edit this field.
Available to Promise/Customer Date
This display-only field displays either the Available to Promise Date or Available to Customer Date for line items you are editing or adding to the shopping cart. If you did not indicate a delivery route code, the ATP date appears here. If a delivery route was indicated, the ATC date displays instead, but you can view the ATP date by clicking the Actions button and selecting Toggle Display of ATP/ATC Dates.
If ATP is not active, this field is present but remains null.
Quantity OrderedThis
field defaults to one but can be changed. Indicate the quantity of the
selected product the customer is interested in purchasing.
The quantity available for the selected product at the selected location appears. You cannot edit this field.
is not active, this field is hidden.
The default selling price of the selected product appears. You can edit this field if the Allow Changes to Default Price field on the General tab of Shopping Cart Control Settings is checked.
If re-opening this shopping cart, this price may have changed
based on the Change Price with Lower
Current Price field on the PDA tab of Shopping
Cart Control Settings.
The price multiplied by the quantity ordered appears. You cannot edit this field.
If no line items have been added to the shopping cart, the stock location initially defaults to Same as Ship Location. You can click the Arrow button to select a stock location. After line items have been added, the default value for this field matches the value assigned to the last line item that was added to the shopping cart.
When a shopping cart is converted into a sales order, the ship location
defined in Enter a Sales Order defaults when this field displays "Same
As Ship." The default ship location of Enter a Sales Order is
set in Ship From Location in
Location Settings.
Purchase StatusThe
status of the selected product appears (from the Current
Status field on the Settings page of Advanced
Product Settings). You cannot edit this field.
Use this field to indicate how the customer will obtain this line's merchandise. This is a mandatory field. A warning message appears if an attempt is made to save the cart without specifying the Fulfillment Method. Click the Arrow button and select one of the following.
None Selected
Direct Shipment
The initial default value for this field is based on the Fulfillment Methods - Sales Orders setting in Point of Sale Control Settings. However, if the control settings field is set to Take With or No Default, the initial default value for this field is None Selected. In this case, a valid option must be selected in order to save the cart. Since Direct Shipment is not a control settings option, Direct Shipment must always be manually selected within Enter a Shopping Cart.
A product's
settings in the Direct Ship section of Advanced
Product Settings as well as the Direct Shipments section of Point
of Sale Control Settings affect this field.
Following entry of the product information, click the Save + Add Another button to add this item to the order and reset the product entry fields so another product can be entered. If this is a direct-ship order (Fulfillment Method = Direct Shipment), the Purchase Order Linkage Detail Maintenance screen appears, where you can edit the Scheduled Delivery Date, Vendor, and Purchase Order linking information.
Following entry of the product information, click the Save button to add this item to the order and list all products on the order in the Line Item Display section.
Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Add Item button to add another line item to the order. The product entry fields appear at the top of the screen to be populated. When the product information has been entered, click Save + Add Another to add the current item to the order and reset the product entry fields to null; click Save to add the current item to the order; or click Cancel to cancel entering a new item and return to the Line Item Display.
Click the Expand All Rows button to display the full line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
Click the Collapse All Rows button to hide the additional line item information for all available rows in the Line Item Display.
The Line Item Display section of this screen shows each line item, along with information for that item, contained within its own row. Rows cannot be edited directly; to edit information in a row, click the associated Edit button and the product entry fields in the top of the screen populate where they can be edited. The row being edited turns yellow to signify that its information currently is being changed. To remove an item from the Line Item Display (and from the order), click the associated Remove button.
Fields in the primary section of the row are always displayed. Fields in the secondary section of the row can be exposed by either clicking the More expander or by clicking the Expand All Rows button.
For Enter a Shopping Cart, the following fields are in the primary section:
Fulfillment Method
Stock Location
Quantity Ordered
Quantity Available
Unit Price
Extended Price
The following fields are in the secondary section:
Second Description
Available to Promise Date/Customer Date
Click to display additional information about the product on that line. Information displays from product settings and from the order and cannot be edited directly in the line item display section. The following additional information fields appear:
Second Description
Available to Promise Date/Customer Date
Click to hide the additional line item information.
Click the Edit button to edit the row's contents. The row highlights in yellow and the row's information appears in the top of the screen to be edited. Note that the row itself (whether white or yellow) cannot be edited.
Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line item return to the entry process.
The fields in this section are read-only and therefore cannot be edited.
Merchandise Subtotal
Delivery Charge
Installation Charge
Sales Tax
Net Total
This routine does not require you specify a customer number for shopping carts you create. However, if you enter an existing customer number, the customer name, address, phone number and email fields display from the Customer Settings.
Even if you do not enter a customer number, you can still enter a new name, address, phone number and email address to associate with the shopping cart.
If you click on the Search button, you access the Search for a Customer screen from which you can choose a code. If you click on the Action button, you access the Customer Settings where you can create a new customer “on the fly”. If you choose to create a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping cart defaults into the Customer Entry program.
First NameIf
you do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains
available and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose
to create a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the
shopping cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the
Customer Entry program.
Last NameIf
you do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains
available and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose
to create a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the
shopping cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the
Customer Entry program.
Middle NameIf
you do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains
available and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose
to create a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the
shopping cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the
Customer Entry program.
Email AddressIf
you do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains
available and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose
to create a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the
shopping cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the
Customer Entry program.
No Auto EmailTo
omit this customer from mass electronic mailings generated by eSTORIS,
check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
If you indicated a customer in the Customer Code field or created a new customer, this field defaults from customer settings. Otherwise, you can enter the cell phone number. If you click the Action button, you access the Customer Telephone Number Lookup feature.
This section is collapsed by default when this process is first entered.
If you indicated a customer in the Customer Code field or created a new customer, this field defaults from customer settings. Otherwise, you can enter the home phone number. If you click the Action button, you access the Customer Telephone Number Lookup feature.
If a check appears at the CUSTOMER SEARCH - Phone Number First field in the Point of Sale Control Settings, the cursor moves directly to this field after you specify a Cart ID, and the Customer Telephone Number Lookup feature is available.
If you indicated a customer in the Customer Code field or created a new customer, this field defaults from customer settings. Otherwise, you can enter the work phone number. If you click the Action button, you access the Customer Telephone Number Lookup feature.
If you do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer Entry program.
Address Line 2If
you do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains
available and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose
to create a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the
shopping cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the
Customer Entry program.
CityIf you do not specify
a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available and you
can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create a new
customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping cart,
including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer Entry
StateIf you do not specify
a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available and you
can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create a new
customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping cart,
including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer Entry
Zip CodeIf
you do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains
available and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose
to create a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the
shopping cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the
Customer Entry program.
If the specified zip code has one delivery route associated with it, the route code defaults in this field. If the specified zip code has two or more delivery routes associated with it, the Select Route Code Window appears following entry of the zip code. If the zip code has no associated delivery routes, a route code is not defaulted here.
Use this optional field to indicate the delivery route in order to calculate an ATC date. Click the Search button to access the Read-Only Lookup Window from which you can select a delivery route code. If you leave this field blank, the ATC cannot be calculated and the ATP date is displayed instead.
If you indicate a route code and then click the Action button, the following options are available.
This section is collapsed by default when this process is first entered.
Use this optional field to indicate the time frame within which the customer expects to purchase the items in this shopping cart. Click on the Arrow button and choose a time frame from the list that appears. To choose None, leave the field blank.
The store specified on the STORIS Log In screen appears as a default. Click the Arrow button to select the store location for this shopping cart.
This is a display-only field that displays the code and description of the default ship location. This field is not available for change; the ship and stock locations are assumed to be identical. If you select a stock location, the ship location is updated to match the stock location.
The status of this shopping cart appears. You cannot edit this field. The status can be one of the following:
Open Cart
Converted to Order
Closed by Customer
Closed by Salesperson
Created DateThe
date on which the Cart ID was created appears. You cannot edit this field.
TimeThe time at which the
Cart ID was created appears. You cannot edit this field.
The source of this shopping cart appears. You cannot edit this field. The source can be one of the following:
MANUAL - manual shopping cart (Enter a Shopping Cart routine)
EROAM - entered via the eRoam app
ESTORIS - entered via eSTORIS internet
MOBILE V - entered via Mobile Vision
Audit Comments Log - opens the order comments screen for the current shopping cart.
Costed Line Item Display - Displays cost and margin details.
Line Stock Availability - Accesses the Shopping Cart Line Item Display screen.
Close Cart - Closes the cart and purges it during the Day-Ending process.
Toggle Display of ATP/ATC Dates - Use this option to change the display of Available to Customer Date to Available to Promise Date and vice versa. This also changes the ATP/ATC Date column label in the grid accordingly. A delivery route must be selected in order to view an Available to Customer date. This option is hidden if ATP is not active.
If you click on Save at any place in the routine, and you have filled
all the required fields, the Print
Options window appears.