Single Product Review
Tabs: Product, Transfer, Purchase
This screen is the third step in a Process Merchandising Decisions feature you can use to apply pricing and other merchandising information to selected products.
If you selected multiple products via the Select Products for Merchandising Decisions Screen, the products display one at a time. A running counter appears at the top of the screen next to the Product prompt. To navigate through the list, use the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the screen. The program retains the data you entered on each screen.
The output of this routine may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions.
The locations available to you may be affected by inquiry restrictions specified on the Location Restrictions tab of the Create a User routine.
Header Area
The following fields appear in the header area of the screen for all tabs in this routine.
ProductThe code of the selected product appears. If you selected multiple products via the Select Products for Merchandising Decisions screen, the products display one at a time. A running counter appears to the right of the Product prompt. To navigate through the list, use the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the screen.
DescriptionThe description of the selected product displays.
Vendor Model NumberThe vendor model number of the selected product displays.
Use this tab to view and/or edit pricing and status information for the selected product.
The edits you make here update only the Advanced Product Settings and not the District and Regional Product Settings. To access the District and Regional Product Settings directly, click on the Actions button at the bottom of this screen to access the Advanced Product Settings, then click on the Actions button on the Cost tab and select Regional Settings.
Purchase Status
Selling Price The selling price (if any) displays from the Product file. You can edit this field.
Suggested Retail PriceThe suggested retail price (if any) displays from the Product file. You can edit this field.
Kit Selling PriceThe kit selling price (if any) displays from the Product file. You can edit this field.
Replacement CostThe replacement cost from the Product file displays for the selected product.
Markdown Price
Shipping WeightThe shipping weight (if any) displays from the Product file. You can edit this field.
Shipping VolumeThe shipping volume (if any) displays from the Product file. You can edit this field.
If you selected multiple products on the Select Products for Merchandising Decisions screen, the Previous and Next buttons are active and you can use them to navigate through the list. When you have finished editing products, click on Save to update the Product file and create the transfers and purchase orders (if any) you specified on the other tabs of this routine. To abandon your changes, click on Exit.

Use this tab to enter merchandise transfers for one or more products selected via Select Products for Merchandising Decisions screen. Note that to create a transfer for a product, you must respond to all prompts on this tab.
Total Quantity
On Hand
ReservedThe current quantity reserved to sales orders appears for the selected product.
On Purchase OrderThe quantity currently on purchase orders appears for the selected product.
As IsThe quantity currently in As-Is status appears for the selected product.
Transfer-From LocationEnter the location from which you want to transfer products. If you click on the Arrow button, a list of locations available to the log-on user appears from which you can choose. Note that locations for which no quantity is available do not appear in the list.
Quantity AvailableOnce you select a transfer-from location, the quantity available for transfer at that location displays.
Quantity to TransferEnter the quantity you want to transfer.
Transfer-To LocationEnter the location to which you want to transfer products. If you click on the Arrow button, a list of locations available to the log-on user appears from which you can choose.
Transfer RouteSpecify the transfer route by clicking the Arrow button. If transfer route capacities are active for the transfer-from location, your options are all transfer routes associated with the selected transfer-from location and transfer routes that are not associated with any location.
Transfer DateEnter the date on which you want the transfer to occur. The date of the next business day defaults. If you click on the Calendar Icon, a calendar appears which you can use to select a date.
Next Transfer
After you make all your selections, you have several options. You can click the Next Transfer button to create another transfer for the same product, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen to proceed to the next product in your list, or click Save to process your requests. Click here for a description of all of your processing options.
If you selected multiple products via the Select Products for Merchandising Decisions Screen, you enter the transfer requests one product at a time. During processing, transfers for multiple products with the same "from" and "to" locations and transfer date are consolidated into a single transfer. Otherwise, a separate transfer is created for each product.
After you click Save to process the transfer requests and have exited the routine, you then use the routines on the transfer menus, such as Logistical Scheduling, to process the transfers.

Use this tab to request purchase order lines for selected products. When finished, the option appears to create the requested purchase orders either automatically or manually.
VendorThe vendor associated with the selected product appears along with the name and address. If you click on the Search button, the Vendor Name Search appears which you can use to select a different vendor. If you click on the Action button, the Vendor Alternate Address appears.
Alternate Ship FromIf alternate ship-from addresses exist for the selected vendor, you can use the Action button at the Vendor field to access the Vendor Alternate Address screen which you can use to select an alternate ship-from address. If you select an alternate ship-from address, it displays here.
Buyer ID
Receiving AtEnter the warehouse at which you want to receive the purchase order. If you click on the Arrow, a list of locations available to you appears from which you can choose.
Delivery DateEnter the date on which you expect to receive the merchandise. An estimated date defaults based on the calculated purchase lead days.
Order QuantityEnter the quantity you want to order.
Unit CostThe unit cost of the selected product defaults from the Replacement Cost field in the Advanced Product Settings. If you change this cost, the option appears to update the Product file with the change. If you click on the Action button, the Purchase Order Discounts Window - Read Only appears.
Discounted CostOnce you specify an order quantity and a unit cost, the discounted cost displays.
Extended CostOnce you specify an order quantity and a unit cost, the extended cost displays.
Ship WeightThe shipping weight of the selected product displays from the Advanced Product Settings.
Ship VolumeThe shipping volume of the selected product displays from the Advanced Product Settings.
Next PO
After you make all your selections, you have several options. You can click the Next PO button to request another purchase order for the same product, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen to proceed to the next product in your list, or click Save to process your requests. Click here for a description of all of your processing options.