Use this routine to specify global settings for
Receivables processing. You must have the Extended Receivables Add-On
module active in General
System Control Settings on your system in order to use Installment
mandatory setting determines whether installment contracts are activated
Upon Approval or Upon Delivery. Click the Arrow button to make a selection.
If you select Upon Approval, installment contracts are activated
during the next End
of Day processing following credit approval of orders financed
with installment contracts.
If you select Upon Delivery, installment contracts are activated
during the next EOD following the completion
of orders financed with Installment.
Use the first entry box to specify the default interest rate percentage.
The field accepts 4 decimal places. This is the interest rate that
is used when calculating interest if the rate is not specified in
the Sales Tax Settings or Installment Payment Plan. This rate is the
last one checked in the interest rate hierarchy. (Installment
Payment Plan Settings > Sales
Tax Settings > Installment
Receivables Control Settings)
If you specify an interest rate percentage here, you must use the
Calculation entry box to specify the type of calculation. Click the
Arrow button and select either Declining
Balance(APR) or Straight Line Interest.
Default Terms areMonthsUse this
mandatory setting to specify the default term length, in months. When
creating new installment contracts in worksheet
entry, the term for the new contract defaults from the installment
plan or from this control setting if no term is specified for the
Minimum term is MonthsUse this
mandatory setting to indicate the minimum allowable term, in number of
months. If you do not specify a minimum term in the installment
plan, this setting is used.
Maximum term is MonthsUse this
mandatory setting to indicate the maximum allowable term, in number of
months. If you do not specify a maximum term in the installment
plan, this setting is used.
When creating an installment contract in worksheet
entry, the term defaults from the plan settings or from these control
settings. If you enter an override to the default terms, your entry cannot
be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum established here
or in the plan settings (if any).
First Payment Due Months
after Contract ActivationUse this mandatory setting
to specify the number of months following contract activation that the
first installment payment is due from the customer. The system uses this
setting and the contract due day to determine the date the first payment
is due.
Payment Grace
Days(LOCKED - STORIS access
ONLY!) This mandatory setting indicates the number of days after the installment
contract's due day that a payment can be made before a late fee is assessed.
Due Date IsUse this optional setting to list the days of the
month to be offered as possible customer due days during contract creation.
Click the Action button at this setting to access a Due
Date List Entry window in which you check the boxes for all the possible
due days, from 1 through 28. The days you specify in this setting populate
the drop-down at the Due Day field on the Installment
Worksheet entry. If multiple days are selected, the default is the
day that is closest to today's date.
Due Date may be Pushed Days Into
the FutureUse this optional setting
to indicate the maximum number of days in the future that a due date can
be changed beyond the current due date. For example, the current due date
is June 1 and this field is set to 10. The due date can be pushed to June
10, but not to June 15.
Deferment Fee isThis optional
setting can be used to establish a table of deferment fees to be assessed
when you defer installment payments for a contract. Click the Action button
to access the Deferment
Fee Table window, where you can create and maintain the table. If
you do not create a table, deferment fees are not assessed.
Rebate CalculationClick
the Arrow button and select the interest rebate calculation method. Choose
either Rule of 78's Calculation method used in installment receivables in which insurance, interest, and principal amounts are calculated from the payment amount each month over the term remaining. or Straight-line Calculation method used in installment receivables in which the interest, insurance, and principal amounts remain the same each month, based on the Installment payment amount..Entry
in this field is mandatory.
Fixed Activation Date Future
DaysUse this mandatory setting to limit how far into
the future your selected date can be, when you choose a fixed contract
activation date during Installment
Worksheet entry. Enter
the maximum number of future days here; the maximum entry for this setting
is 99 days.
Maximum Days to Back-Date PayoffsIndicate
the maximum number of days you can back-date a payment so that it falls
within the payoff "as of" period.
To activate
settings on this tab, check the box next to each setting or check the
box in the header row to activate (check) all settings listed. You can
change a setting to inactive by clearing the check from the check box.
To clear all check boxes, un-check the box in the header row.
DUE DATE - Allow Changes if DeferredTo permit
changes to the due date for installment payments that have been deferred,
check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
this box to consolidate and print insurance letters whose insurance
codes' form templates for the customer's jurisdiction match. To
print one letter per insurance code, leave the box blank.
In order to use this setting, you
must check the box at the INSURANCE - Prompt the User to Print the
Insurance Letter.
PAYMENTS DUE - Round Up to the Nearest DollarTo round
up regular monthly payment (excluding final payment) amounts to the nearest
dollar, check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
To apply additional
payments to the beginning of the installment contract, check this
box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
When the box is left blank, the additional
payments are applied to the end of the contract, in last installment
to first sequence. Payments continue to be cycled due on the due date,
but by applying the payment to the end of the contract, customers
can pay off the contract in a shorter amount of time.
If you check the box at this setting,
additional payments are applied in payment due sequence. This allows
customers to pay ahead on future payments due. For example, payments
due are $100. The customer makes an additional payment of $300, which
is applied to the next 3 payments in advance. The customer does not
have a payment due for 3 months.
Installment payment reversals are
always applied in last installment to first sequence.