Report Open Non-Allocated Order Detail
(Open Non-Allocated Orders Report)
This report displays line item details for non-allocated orders (that is, orders not currently reserved) including layaways and quotes. The report includes
The report breaks down the selling price of the merchandise and the deposit by sales order and model number. Totals calculate for the selling price of all merchandise on each sales order. Selling price and deposit totals display for each store location. Selection is by starting and ending date and by individual location or all locations. Sort is by location code and then by sales order number.
The output of this report may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions. That is, you can inquire only about customers and locations to which you have access.
Date CodeClick the arrow button to select a date code. If you select CUS, you can specify the order start and end Dates.
Start Date, End DateIf you select the date code CUS, you can enter a start and end order date for the report or you can leave the fields blank for the earliest and latest order dates available. If you are not specifying a custom date range, these fields are filled in based on the date code selected and are not available for change.
Order Type
SalespersonEnter the code of the salesperson for which to run this report. If you click on the Search button, a list of salespersons appears from which you can choose one or more. If you click on the Action button, the Multiple Salesperson Selection Window appears from which you select one or more salespersons. If you leave the field blank, you select all salespersons.
Send Output toThe output destination of the report displays. To change the output destination, click on the Actions button and select Output Settings.
Export PathIf you select either the Personal Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export, or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit the export path using this process.

Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.