This window appears at fields that allow your response to include multiple items. To add one or multiple items to the grid, either enter the item directly into the field or click the associated Search button to use the Multiple Selection Lookup window. The specified items appear in the grid.
To enter items directly, press <Enter> when you have finished typing the name into the field. The item and its description appear in the grid. If you enter the item incorrectly, an error message appears. Re-enter the item or use the Multiple Selection Lookup window to search for it.
To select an item in the grid, double-click the item. It appears in the available fields and the actions buttons become active.
To remove a single item, select it then click the Remove button.
To remove all or multiple items, click the Search button and use the Multiple Selection Lookup window to deselect the desired items, then click Ok. The window closes and the grid displays the chosen items.
To clear a selected item, click the Clear button. It is cleared from the field but remains on the grid. No action has been taken on the item.
To move a grid item, use the Promote / Demote buttons.
If more records exist than can fit in the grid, use the scroll bar in the grid to view additional records.
When the grid contains all of the desired items, click Save. The systems returns to the previous screen. The current field displays "..." to indicate multiple items. To exit the Multiple Selection Window without specifying any products, click on Exit. You return to the previous screen.