These instructions show you how to utilize routines and scanners to perform a full physical inventory via RF bar code label scanning. Processes to be completed using STORIS menu options are indicated with the STORIS logo. Those functions you perform on the scanner are indicated with an image of a bar code scanner device.
This can only be performed on a location that is locator tracked or invisible
locator tracked.
Steps: Prepare to Freeze Inventory; Freeze Inventory; Create Batch for Physical Inventory; Scan Inventory Labels; View Progress of Physical Inventory; Update Physical Inventory; Physical Inventory Reports; Clear Physical Inventory
Follow these steps to prepare for the full physical inventory.
Schedule the day on which you want to perform the actual physical inventory.
Set a cut-off date for all deliveries.
Set cut-off dates for warehouse receipts - contact your vendors.
Set a cut-off date for transfers (shipped and received) in the designated warehouse.
If auditors will be present, check to see what reports (daily audit) they require. Save these reports for at least 2 weeks.
Create a specific As-Is Reason Code for updates (for example, PHY).
Complete transactions prior to performing the physical inventory. This includes:
Complete all orders - process completion via order entry or manifest completion. You can use the View Deliveries on Manifests routine to list merchandise on manifests.
Complete all out-bound transfers. To verify, check the View Open Transfer Lists screen, which shows all out-bound transfers that have not been completed for a selected warehouse.
Complete all returns to vendors. The Print Return To Vendor List displays a list of incomplete returns to vendors.
Resolve all cost exceptions. If active cost exceptions exist in the system, you cannot perform a physical inventory freeze.
If you have active Floats at the location, a warning message appears after you enter the Location. You have the option of continuing or cancelling, but it is strongly recommended that you answer No to Continue and unload the floats prior to running the freeze process.
Run the Report Value of Inventory routine for the designated warehouse to display the inventory value of that location. Compare the values from this report with the values from the Report Frozen to Counted Variances routine (which you run during the Freeze Inventory process) to determine potential problems prior to performing a physical inventory.
Select the Freeze Inventory option from the menu.
Indicate the warehouse location, which must have RF bar code active.
If a cycle count at the selected location is
in progress, a message displays warning that you cannot freeze the inventory
until the cycle count has been deleted. (The cycle count must be deleted
via Create Listing of Storage Locations
to Count.)
Perform Clear Only: Leave this field un-checked (used only if clearing a previous freeze.)
Include Manifested Deliveries: STORIS recommends checking the box at this field in order to include any inventory items on manifests when you perform the freeze. (You can use the View Deliveries on Manifests routine to list merchandise on manifests.)
Run the freeze for ALL products, groups, and categories.
Click the Save button to perform the freeze.
If cost exceptions were not resolved (see Prepare
to Freeze Inventory above), a message displays the number of cost exceptions
and a warning that you cannot freeze inventory until the cost exceptions
are resolved (via Correct
a Cost Exception.) Click OK,
exit the screen and resolve the exceptions. Once exceptions are resolved,
start again with the Freeze
Inventory step.
An information message displays the number of bin locations/product groups frozen and the number assigned to the physical inventory: #### Items placed on Physical Inventory ##### OK. Click OK.
The Processing Complete message displays. Click OK.
The freeze process automatically runs the Report Detail Frozen Quantities. This report lists all of your frozen inventory. You can also run the Report Summarized Frozen Quantities. Compare the summary report with the detail report to determine the accuracy of the freeze process.
You can run the Report Physical Inventory Exclusions routine to list merchandise not frozen.
Select Assign a User to Physical or Cycle Count Locations from the STORIS menu.
Indicate the warehouse location.
The grid lists the ID number, initialization date, and user ID for the physical inventory created. Double-click the line to select the physical inventory.
The Batch Maintenance Display screen lists the batch numbers.
Click the Actions button at the bottom of the screen and select Create New Batch.
The Batch Creation screen displays.
On the Available tab, select locations from grid one at a time or click the Actions button and choose Select Locations. Answer Yes to select all locations listed in the grid or answer No to indicate a range of locations.
Once the locations are selected, they are moved to the Entered tab.
Select the Entered tab.
Leave the Assign Batch field UN-CHECKED.
Click the Save button.
Click Exit on the Batch Maintenance Display screen.
Click Exit on the Assign a User to Physical or Cycle Count Locations screen.
Log in to the scanning device.
The Main Menu displays.
Select #5 Inventory.
Select #1 Physical.
At Location: scan the storage location label or enter the storage location (C5, for example).
scanning a storage location label that was previously scanned, the system
prompts: “Storage location has already been counted, Enter Initials and
Password to recount or ‘E’ to exit” and prompt the user for their initials
and password. You
then either enter E to return to the storage location prompt or enter
the user ID and password of a user with the proper
security to recount a storage location.
The system takes a "snapshot" of the entire inventory in that storage location.
At Label ID: scan the merchandise label.
you scan a product label at a location that has the RF
Physical Count – Use STORIS label as UPC setting enabled,
the label is treated as if it is a UPC label and you are prompted to enter
the quantity. A quantity of 1 or greater must be entered to continue processing.
If you scan a product label that has already been counted for that storage
location, the system prompts: "Already counted (NNNNN) in the storage
location. Re-count?"
You then either answer No to accept the count previously entered or answer
Yes to enter a new count, provided you have the necessary security via
your User/Group
Logistics Security.
Scan all pieces in this storage location.
To switch to another location, you can scan the new storage location label at the Label ID prompt.
Continue scanning merchandise for all storage locations.
If you encounter a storage location with no merchandise in it, you must scan the location label and then type the word NONE at the Label ID prompt.
When you are finished scanning, type “0” (zero) and press Enter to return to the Location prompt. Type zero and Enter again to return to the menu.
The Frozen to Counted Variances by Location report should be run before the physical inventory update process. The report compares inventory that was frozen with data from the scanner. Use the report to analyze the quantity and dollar variances between the frozen and counted inventories.
Select Report Frozen to Counted Variances from the menu.
At the Exceptions prompt, select Variance Only.
Review variances listed on the report.
Resolve any discrepancies found before updating the physical inventory.
If there are items on the report that cannot be scanned, you can manually enter counts using the Enter a Single Physical Count Tag (Single Tag Per Bin) or Enter Multiple Physical Count Tags (Multiple Bin Per Tag) screens.
Additional views and reports:
Indicate the warehouse location, unique As-Is Reason Code created for physical inventory, and the As Of Date.
Click the Run button.
If there is an active Directed Putaway plan at this location, a warning message appears asking if you want to skip updating the merchandise in the putaway plan, include it in the inventory updates, or cancel the updates. Answer Yes to continue with the inventory updates but exclude the putaway plan. Answer No to continue with the inventory updates and include the putaway plan. Answer Abort to cancel the updates.
The products list as updated. When complete, the system returns to the menu.
The update process performs the following functions:
Adjusts quantities-on-hand.
Adds pieces to As-Is inventory.
Removes pieces from As-Is inventory.
Performs G/L adjustments (i.e. reduce saleable inventory, costing for As-Is inventory).
Transfers merchandise between storage locations.
Adjusts serial numbers.
Reassigns sales order reservations.
Important! It is strongly recommended that you complete the physical inventory update PRIOR to running the month ending process (Generate Monthly Reports). If you do not complete the update first, the system does not allow you to back-date your EOM processing to the date you ran the Freeze Inventory and you are prevented from adding more products to the physical inventory count.
Run the Report Physical Inventory Update Audit Trail. This report sorts by special orders, then by stock pieces.
After the update, research the products in question via View Detailed Activity for a Product.
Run the Report As-Is Exceptions option to remove and write off those products that were reserved but not counted.
Run the Report Commitment Exceptions option. This routine lists all regular stock products that could not be reserved to sales orders or transfers but were reserved prior to the update due to count shortages.
Run the Report Physical Inventory Transactions to display product activity that occurred since the freeze inventory process, including back-dated transactions.
Access the Freeze Inventory (Physical Inventory Freeze) option.
Select the Location where the physical inventory was completed.
Select the Perform Clear Only field by clicking the check box next to the field.
If you check this field, you clear all data associated
with the inventory count for the designated warehouse. Once cleared, physical
inventory reports cannot return data for this warehouse. Therefore, you
should only check this box once you have completed all your physical inventory
To clear the freeze, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.