Report Value of Inventory


Tabs:  Selection, Sort Options

This report shows the total value of all on-hand inventory. You can run this report for all products or for a specific

Additionally, you can run this report to display unit costs or selling prices. Sort options are

The output of this report may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions.

This report runs as part of the End-of-Month process.

This report includes a column for each landed add-on value that is active in your system (via the Costing Control Settings).  If all your add-on values are active, the report truncates certain values in the report that exceed 9 digits (that is, 1,000,000.00 - one million - or more).  However, if you inactivate one or more of the landed add-ons, the columns used for those add-ons become available, creating space on the report to fully display all values on the report.   


The Region, Store, and Recap Only fields are available for entry only if you select Warehouse at the Source field.

The Costing Period and Costing Method fields are available for entry only if you select Cost at the Show Cost or Sell Price field.






Type of Retail Product

Purchase Status






Recap Only

Show Cost or Sell Price

Costing Period

Costing Method

Sort Options

If you select the Recap Only option, you inactivate the Sort fields and the Detail or Summary option described below.  

Primary Sort

Secondary Sort

Tertiary Sort

Detail or Summary   

Send Output to

Export Path

Once you select your run-time options, choose Run to produce the report. This report generates a separate output item for each format – Detail by Location, Recap by Location.