Report Physical Inventory As-Is Exceptions
(As-Is Exceptions)
This report displays as-is products that could not be re-reserved to orders or transfers. Due to the unique nature of As-Is pieces, they cannot be back-ordered and reserved again by the Update Physical Inventory Results process. Any transactions listed on this report must be modified or deleted manually.
The output of this report may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions.
Warehouse LocationEnter the code of the warehouse for which you want to run this report. If you click on the arrow key, you access a list of available locations. If you click on the Actions button, you access the Multiple Locations Selection Window, from which you can choose one or more locations.
RegionEnter the code of the region for which you want to run this report. If you click on the arrow, you access a list of available regions. To access this field, Regional Processing must be active (via the Regional Processing field in General System Control Settings).
ProductEnter the code of the product for which you want to run this report. If you click on the Arrow button, you access the Multiple Product Selection Window, from which you can choose one or more products. To select all products, leave the field blank.
Send Output toThe output destination of the report displays. To change the output destination, click on the Actions button and select Output Settings.
Export PathIf you select either the Personal Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export, or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit the export path using this process.

Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.