Use this process to create batches and, if using Batch Bar Code , assign the batches to the users. You must initiate physical inventory prior to using this option.
This routine may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions. That is, you may not have access to all customers
and locations.
Important! If Bar Code is active at a location, STORIS does not recommend building and using only one storage location to track all inventory at that store/warehouse. And each storage location should contain no more than 1000 pieces. In addition, it is recommended that when scanning, you limit the number of pieces per scan and upload, to prevent possible data loss. For example, you are performing a physical inventory at Store 11, which has a total inventory quantity of 3000 pieces, located in 10 storage locations. If you scan and upload 500 pieces at a time, rather than all 3000 at once, you minimize the amount of data that you would potentially need to re-scan in the event of communication errors.