These instructions show you how to utilize routines and scanners to transfer merchandise from one storage location to another via batch barcode label scanning. Processes to be completed using STORIS menu options are indicated with the STORIS logo. Those functions you perform on the scanner are indicated with an image of a bar code scanner device.
This process is available only for warehouse locations where batch bar code is active and invisible location is NOT set.
Steps: Scan Bin Merchandise, Verify Bin Transfer, Send Data to STORIS
Log in to the scanner by selecting STORIS Batch Barcode on the scanner screen.
The Login screen displays.
User ID: Select the STORIS login user from the drop-down list.
Password: Use the keypad to enter the STORIS login password (established in STORIS Create a User settings).
Warehouse ID: Select the receiving location from the drop-down list.
Select Login.
The Main Menu displays on the scanner.
Select the Bin Transfers option.
The Bin to Bin Transfers screen displays.
Click the Transfer Out tab.
Scan a Storage Location: Scan the storage location label. The storage location is displayed. (ex. DOCK)
Scan an item to move out: Scan the inventory barcode label for the piece being moved. The label number fills in.
Items Moved Out: The number of items being moved from this location displays and increments by 1 as each label is scanned.
Continue scanning the inventory labels for all items being moved out.
Click the Transfer In tab when finished.
Scan a Storage Location: Scan the storage location label for the move TO location. The storage location fills in.
Items to Move In: The number is displayed automatically.
Scan an item to move in: Scan the inventory barcode label of the item to move into the scanned storage location. The label number displays.
Items to Move In: The number decreases with each inventory label scan.
If moving items to multiple storage locations, scan the new storage location label and then scan the inventory label for all items moving to that location.
Continue scanning items to be moved in until Items to Move In shows 0 (zero).
Bulk Products - When you scan a bulk product label, the Enter Bulk
Quantity screen appears and the Barcode Label ID is displayed. The Quantity
defaults to 1. To enter the quantity of that bulk product to count for
that storage location, enter the quantity on the scanner's virtual keypad
and then click OK. The Scan Count shows the number of labels
For example, your Scan Count shows 4. You then scan the bulk product label
and enter a bulk quantity of 10 for that product. The Scan Count still
only increments by 1 because you scanned one product label. So your Scan
Count now shows 5.
If you scan the same bulk product label again, three buttons appear on
the keypad: Add, Upd,
Cancel. In our example, you entered
a quantity of 10 pieces but now need to add 2 more pieces. Click the Add
button to add to the quantity you entered previously, making the quantity
now 12. Click the Upd button to update the quantity entered or Cancel
to leave the quantity as is and cancel the additional scan.
Select Main Menu.
When ready to send scanned data to STORIS, select Communication from the scanner's Main Menu.
Select Send Data.
A Send Data Completed message displays: Data successfully sent.
Select OK in the message window.
To log off the scanner, select the Main Menu, and then click Log Off.
On the Login screen, select Exit Pgm.
To verify that the items were transferred correctly, you can use the following reports and inquiry screens.
The Report Error Messages routine includes scanning errors that occur
when a kit master label is scanned. When you scan a label for a kit master
product, the update for that label is skipped and updates are performed
only on the scanned kit components.