View Products in a Specific Storage Location

(Storage Location Tracking)


Use this inquiry to identify the items stored in a specific storage location at a location-tracked warehouse or store location.

The output of this report may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions.

Important! If Bar Code is active at a location, STORIS does not recommend building and using only one storage location to track all inventory at that store/warehouse. In addition, no more than 1000 pieces should exist in one storage location. The speed and performance when you run reports and upload scanner data can be negatively affected by the number of items in a single storage location.


Storage Location

If merchandise was moved to RESEARCH (during picking, inventory counts, etc.) you can view those items by entering RESEARCH at the Storage Location prompt. If you enter RESEARCH in this field and no items are currently in RESEARCH, the system displays a message warning that "RESEARCH is not a valid Storage Location".