Report Bar Code Bin to Bin Transfer Activity
(Barcode Transfer Report)
Use this report only with the Batch
Bar Code process. Use this report is to inform users of
any scans that were invalid or may have caused an error message when uploading
back into STORIS. You can run this report on demand or during the
Day Ending process. Once the report criteria have been selected, click
Run to produce the report.
The run-time options
for this report are:
Store LocationEnter
the Batch Bar Code location to be reported on.
Region LocationThis field
is only used if Regional Processing is active. Select the region for which
the report is to be run.
DateEnter the starting date of the date range for
which you want to list bar code transfers. If you click on the calendar
icon, a calendar appears from which you can click a date. If you leave
this field blank, the system selects the earliest date available. If a check appears in the New Transfers
Only field, you cannot access this field.
DateEnter the ending date of the date range for which
you want to list bar code transfers. If you click on the calendar icon,
a calendar appears from which you can click a date. If you leave this
field blank, the system selects the latest date available. If
a check appears in the New Transfers Only field, you cannot access this
New Transfers OnlySelect
this option to print only new transfers since the report was last run.
If the option is not selected, all transfers will be included on the report.
Exceptions OnlySelect this option to report
on transfer exceptions only. If the option is not selected, all transfers
will be included.
If the Bar
Code Control Settings field "Log Bin To Bin Exceptions Only"
is selected, this report prints only transfer exception messages.
Send Output
toThe output destination of
the report displays. To change the output destination, click on
the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.