Report Error Messages
Use this report to list system error messages encountered
during EOD
or EOM
processing for a selected operator, error message, and/or range of dates.
Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run
to produce the report.
This report runs as part of the End-of-Day process. However,
to report on errors (if any) that occur in the time between the last End-of-Day
process and the next business day, you can run this report manually.
Date CodeClick
on the Arrow button to view a list of date
codes, then select the code that best indicates the time period on
which to base your report.
Start DateIf you
select CUS at the Date Code field, you activate this field. Use
this field to specify the start date of the custom date range for which
you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar
Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date
code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and
you cannot edit this field.
End DateIf you
select CUS at the Date Code field, you activate this field. Use
this field to specify the end date of the custom date range for which
you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar
Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date
code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and
you cannot edit this field.
Enter OperatorEnter
the code of the operator whose STORIS Messenger output you want to list
in this report. If you click on the Search button, a list of valid operators
appears from which you can choose. To include all operators in the report,
leave this field blank.
Enter Error CodeEnter
the error code to which you want to restrict this report. If you click
on the down arrow, you can choose from a list of valid error codes. To
include all error codes in the report, leave this field blank.
Send Output
toThe output destination of
the report displays. To change the output destination, click on
the Actions button and select Output