Report Products Sold Without Warranties
(Sales Without Warranty Report)
This report is a useful follow-up sales tool that quickly pinpoints a potential source of warranty business—customers who did not purchase a warranty at the time they bought the product but may be willing to reconsider. The information can cover
The output of this report may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions. That is, you can inquire only about customers and locations to which you have access.
Warehouse LocationIf you are not reporting by District, you must indicate at least one warehouse location to be included on the report. You can enter the code directly in this field, or click the arrow button to select a location from the list. If you click the action button, you access the Multiple Location Selection Window, which you can use to select one, multiple, or all locations to report.
Warranty CategoryYou can limit the report by one or more warranty categories, or you can leave the field blank to report on all warranty categories. You can click the search button to select a single warranty category from the list. If you click the action button, you access the Multiple Warranty Category Selection Window, where you can select multiple warranty categories to report.
Open or Completed OrdersSelect Open if you want the report restricted to products that are on open orders. Select Closed if you want the report restricted to products on completed orders. If you select Closed, you activate the Date Code, and Starting and Ending Date fields.
Report on Parts, Labor, BothChoose whether you want to include Parts products only, Labor products only, or Both labor and parts products on the report.
Date CodeIf you select Closed at the Open or Completed Orders prompt, you activate this field and entry is mandatory. Click the arrow button and select the date code. If you select CUS (custom), you activate the Starting and Ending Date fields, where you indicate a date range. If you select another date code, the Starting and Ending Date fields fill in automatically and cannot be changed.
Starting Date, Ending DateIf you select CUS (custom) at Date Code, you can indicate a date range or you can leave the fields blank to report on the earliest and latest available dates. Click the calendar icon and choose a starting date to include orders completed on or after the selected date. Click the calendar icon and choose an ending date to include orders completed on or before the selected date. If you choose a date code other than CUS, these dates fill in automatically and cannot be changed.
Send Output toThe output destination of the report displays. To change the output destination, click on the Actions button and select Output Settings.
Export PathIf you select either the Personal Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export, or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit the export path using this process.

Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.