This topic contains a list of questions frequently asked by STORIS users about Inventory Management. If you click on a question, the answer appears. Please note that more than one solution may exist for a given situation. Read the answers completely to determine which method best suits your company's needs.
Inventory Sub-Categories: Batch Bar Code, Inventory Costing, Inventory Management, Physical Inventory, Return to Vendor FAQs, RF Bar Code, Tags and Labels, Transfers
Return to FAQ Menu Page: FAQ's
How can I assign an as-is status to merchandise?
How do I set up storage locations (aisle, rack, bin, etc.) within specific
How can I add a freight expense to my inventory value?
Where do I enter product benefits text?
What is the relationship between products, groups, and categories in STORIS?
I received inventory into the wrong location. How can I find the
inventory in the system?
How do we direct STORIS to allocate inventory based on order date instead
of delivery date?