These instructions describe how to utilize routines and scanners to pick merchandise for delivery sales orders via RF bar code label scanning. Processes to be completed using STORIS menu options are indicated with the STORIS logo. Those functions you perform on the scanner are indicated with an image of a bar code scanner device.
Steps: Print Delivery Ticket, Review RF Picking (optional), Scan Delivery Merchandise, Move From Interim, Review Screens (optional), Update RF Picking (optional), Damage a Piece in Prep (optional), Move to Staging, Move to Load
In STORIS, print the delivery tickets using either the Print a Delivery/Pick-Up/Transfer Tickets (Radio Frequency) routine or the Print Delivery Ticket check box on the Payment tab of Enter a Sales Order.
You must print the delivery
tickets using one of these methods. They are the only two print delivery
ticket routines that submit the items to picking.
It is recommended that you print the tickets from within Enter a Sales Order so that you have the option to change the scheduled date to match the day the merchandise is actually being picked. You also have the ability to add deposits to the order when you use this method.
If using the Load process, the delivery manifest must be built in STORIS before printing the Pick List.
If you have your system set to reserve merchandise
by Pick List, use the Print
Pick List routine to generate a FINAL pick list and reserve merchandise
to the order.
In STORIS, select Review Radio Frequency Picking from the menu to view what was sent to the RF picking file.
Indicate the picking Location, Date Code, and Scheduled Date.
At the Phase field, select All.
At the Type field, select Deliveries.
Double-click a line from the grid to access the Bar Code Pick Review screen.
You can right-click a selected line item in the grid and choose More Details to access a read-only version of the order.
Log in to the scanner.
The Main Menu displays on the scanner.
Select #2 Picking.
Select #1 Pick Types.
Select #2 Deliveries.
At Date: enter the scheduled date for the delivery.
At Truck/Route or <enter> For Any, enter the route/truck code or press the Enter button for all deliveries ready to be picked. If route mapping is active, enter the shipping warehouse location and truck code, separated by a hyphen. (Example: 88-TRK1)
If the location is set to Pick Deliveries by Order, the scanner prompts for Order Number: Enter any order that has picking on that route and date and is not being picked by another user. Only a single order number can be entered. Alternately, you can press the Return key to assign the next available order. The next available order is determined by reverse stop time if one was entered; otherwise it is assigned in the same manner as when an RF user requests the next customer pickup order.
If floats are active at this location, the scanner displays Delivery Picking RFQ2 and prompts Float: Scan the float tag.
The scanner displays the following information (shown here with example product/order info): Location: DOCK, Product: JAS1, Description: JORGES PACKET TESTING, Route: JRTE, Serial Number (if needed) and Quantity.
At the Scan Locn prompt, scan the location label or enter the location (DOCK, for example).
To indicate that the piece is not found in the expected location, you
enter NIL at the Scan Locn prompt.
The system searches the warehouse for a replacement piece. If found, you
are prompted to scan the new piece or the new piece is placed at the end
of the pick list, depending on the location of the piece. If not found,
the piece is placed in RESEARCH.
To reverse the aisle sequence, you can enter AS
(Aisle Sequence) at the Scan Locn prompt. This enables the picker to start
at the end of the picking assignment rather than the beginning and change
the aisle sequence any time during the picking process.
If you enter SP
(Skipped Picks) at the Scan Locn prompt, the picker is directed to the
storage locations containing skipped picks. The picker is directed to
the first piece to be picked, which is the first skipped pick. Options
to reverse the picking sequence, aisle picking sequence, or skip a pick
again are still available.
To manually the reverse the picking sequence, you can enter PS
(Pick Sequence) when prompted for the next storage location to pick. When
entered, the last
storage location based on the current picking direction is displayed for
picking. Picking continues
in the reverse direction until manually reversed or the end of the current
aisle is reached and Alternating Pick Sequence
is active.
At the Scan Prod prompt, scan the product label.
Responses: To indicate that a piece is damaged, you enter DG at the Scan Prod prompt. The
system changes the status of the piece to As-Is. The system searches the
warehouse for a replacement piece. If found, you are prompted to scan
the new piece or the new piece is placed at the end of the pick list,
depending on the location of the piece. If not found, the piece is placed
To skip scanning a piece, enter SKIP
or scan a Skip label at the Scan Prod prompt. The skipped piece is placed
at the end of the picking list and you are prompted to scan it once you
have finished scanning the other pieces.
If the system skips a piece due to a locked aisle, the scanner displays
the message "No aisle free".
Provided another user is not currently picking an order in that aisle,
you can use the Remove Locked Aisles
(Radio Frequency) routine to unlock the aisle.
If you enter zero at the Scan Locn prompt, SKIP the last pieces, or if you are not using an Interim area and are finished scanning, the scanner displays: Delivery Drop-off ** NN To Do ** At Dlvy Prep Area Location: DPREP (example location).
If the warehouse is set up to drop off deliveries at Interim, via the RF PICKING - Drop off Customer Deliveries to Interim setting in Warehouse/Store Location Settings, the message displays At Dlvy Interim Area Location: DLVINT (example interim location).
At Location: scan the label for the drop-off location or enter the location (for example, DPREP).
After you scan the storage location where the merchandise is to be dropped (For non-AWM users, scan any valid storage location. For AWM users, the scanner displays the assigned drop location and you must scan that location.), the scanner displays all the products that are waiting to be dropped. For AWM users, this list of products to drop off is based on the product labels scanned and drop-off locations assigned. The number to the left of the product indicates the quantity of that product still left to be dropped. When in the drop-off mode, the scanner defaults the assigned drop-off location and the RFuser must drop off the products into the specified drop location from their AWM schedule. As you scan the products, this list of products is updated to decrement the counter and finally remove the scanned product when there is no longer any quantity of that product to be dropped.
For non-AWM, there is one list; you can change the drop location by scanning a different storage location label or by entering E or 0 at the product prompt.
If the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings, Barcode tab, RF
PICKING - Drop off Customer Deliveries to Prep field is not checked,
items are dropped off directly to a Stage location rather than a Prep
If the RF PICKING - Drop off All into
Prep or RF PICKING - Drop off
All into Staging field on the Barcode tab of Warehouse/Store Location
Settings is checked, all items in picking are dropped in Prep/Stage at
once; labels do not need to be re-scanned. If the field is not checked,
the items need to be scanned into the Prep/Stage location.
If using Floats, the scanner displays Location: DLVINT and prompts for Float: Scan the Float tag at this prompt. This is the float that is currently in transit.
At the next Float: prompt, scan the next available float tag. To continue picking, return to step 10. above. If pieces were skipped, the Picking Options menu appears. (See the following.)
Picking Options
Pick Skipped Pcs - directs picker to the first storage location containing a skipped pick.
Restart Picking - directs picker to the first storage location containing a piece to be picked, whether skipped or added.
Continue Picking - directs picker to the next storage location after the last one picked.
When there are no more items to be dropped off, the scanner returns to the Pick Types menu.
This step is mandatory if using float processing and the RF PICKING - Drop off Customer Deliveries to Interim setting is active in your Warehouse/Store Location Settings.
Log in to the scanner.
The Main Menu displays on the scanner.
Select #2 Picking.
Select #2 Move from Interim.
Interim to Prep Location: is displayed. At Location: scan prep or stage location label or enter prep/stage location (where float is currently located). (DLVINT, for example.)
The Float Count displays 0 and prompts for Float: Scan float tag (float being moved).
Float Count displays number of floats scanned. Prompts for Float: Enter next float to be moved.
When finished scanning floats to be moved, type 0 (zero) at Float: prompt.
At Location: type 0 (zero)
Prep Drop-off ** 3 to do** Route/Truck DLVINT Prep Area Location: Scan destination location where Float is being moved.
Float: Scan float tag.
If set to auto print, prep labels are printed. (Warehouse/Store Location Settings, Barcode tab, PREP LABELS - Automatically Print for Customer Deliveries)
When finished, scanner returns to Picking menu.
You can use the following screens to view picking information in STORIS.
To see the current picking status of the items on the order(s), select Review Radio Frequency Picking.
To view detailed information for items that are in Prep, select the Review Radio Frequency Preparation routine.
To monitor pieces that were damaged or missing during the RF picking process, access the Review Radio Frequency Picking Error routine.
Use the Review Float Status routine in STORIS to view products linked to a float and to remove pieces from the float (pieces you do not physically have, for example).
To update a product that is currently in picking, access the Update Picking (Radio Frequency) routine from the STORIS menu.
After selecting the order, select a piece from the Bar Code Pick Review screen to change the status of the piece to As-Is or NIL.
To damage a piece while it is in prep status, do the following:
Log in to the scanner.
The Main Menu displays on the scanner.
Select #2 Picking.
Select #3 Delivery Prep.
Select #3 Prep Lookup.
At Location: scan the location label or enter the location (DPREP, for example).
The scanner beeps and displays "No Prep Codes". Press the Enter button.
At the Change Status? (Y/N): prompt, enter Y.
At the Piece Damaged? (Y/N): prompt, enter Y to damage the piece.
The piece is assigned a reason code of PFD (Pick Found Damaged). The system attempts to replace the piece with another piece in inventory. If a replacement is found, the piece is re-committed to the order and placed back in picking. If the piece was not replaced, it is placed in RESEARCH.
Use this process to move the pieces or floats from Prep to Stage.
Select #2 Picking from the Main Menu.
Select #5 Delivery Prep.
Select #1 Move to Staging.
Prep to Staging Location: At Location: prompt, scan the location label or enter the location (where float is located now). (DPREP, for example)
Scan Label / Float ID: Scan float tag.
Unload Float Location: DPREP At Float: Scan the float tag (float being unloaded).
Unload Float Float: 0002 1 To Do At Product: Scan product label (piece being unloaded from float).
Float: Scan next float or zero when finished.
Prep to Staging Location: DPREP Label ID: Scan product/prep label that was unloaded from the float.
Scanner displays Product: ID & description.
Label ID: Scan next label or zero if no more pieces to move.
Prep To Staging RFQ2 Location: Scan next location or enter zero if finished.
Prep Droff-off ** 3 to Do ** Route/Truck 88-DT1-1 Stage Area Location: Scan the label for the staging area drop-off location or enter the location. (For example, DOOR1, STAGE1.)
- Drop off All into Staging field on the Barcode tab of Warehouse/Store
Location Settings is checked, all items in picking are dropped in
Stage at once; labels do not need to be re-scanned. If the field is not
checked, the items need to be scanned into the Stage location.
Once complete, scanner returns to the Delivery Prep menu.
If labels were not automatically printed, or were damaged and need to be re-printed, use option 2 Prep Label Print from the Delivery Prep menu.
Use this process to move the pieces from Stage to Load.
Select #2 Picking from the Main Menu.
Select #4 Load Menu.
Select #1 Load Merchandise.
Load Merchandise RFQ2 Route/Truck: Enter route or truck number. (Example, DT1-1)
At Delivery Date: Enter scheduled delivery date, without slashes.
Load Merchandise Route / Truck DT1-1 Delivery Date: 10/28/14 From Location: Scan or enter stage location. (Example, DOOR1)
To Location: Scan or enter load location.
Load Merchandise Route / Truck DT1-1 **3 To Do** Delivery Date: 10/28/14 Scan Label Id: Scan product label.
**2 to Do** At Scan Label ID scan next product label.
When finished enter zero at Scan Label ID.
At Route / Truck enter next route/truck or enter zero if finished. Scanner returns to Load Menu.
To see the current picking status of the items on the order(s), select Review Radio Frequency Picking.