If un-picked items exist in the Picking file, this routine is active and you can view all the storage locations for which inventory has been picked or is waiting to be picked.
Once an RF scanner user scans a location on this list, the system sets the Locked field in the grid to Y, indicating that this storage location is locked. Once locked, no other user can pick from this location until the user either scans a different storage location or exits from the picking menu option on the scanner. STORIS locks storage locations based on the Storage Location Sort Sequence setup on the Bar Code tab of the Warehouse/Store Location Settings.
This process is available only if the RF
Bar Code module is active on your system.
This routine may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions. That is, you may not have access to all customers
and locations.
The system locks aisles only if the Limit One Picker to an Aisle field
is checked in the Warehouse/Store Location Settings
you select a location, the grid displays storage locations containing
inventory that has either been picked or is waiting to be picked.